Page 42 of Piece Of Me
“About what?”
He watched her for a few moments, with a devastating smile that made her heart turn over. Then he took a step back and winked.
“You taste as good as you smell.”
By Thursday, phone calls and FaceTime weren’t enough. He needed to see the girls. Taz had finished up with Angel, who’d come out to the ranch to check on the new horses in quarantine, and then he’d spent three hours in zoom meetings with the board of Temple Holdings. It wasn’t something he loved, but the legacy had fallen to his shoulders, and damned if he was going to let his uncle and cousin claw their way back in.
As always, anything to do with the family business left him pissed off. Never in his life had he met so many individuals who only thought of themselves. People who had no interest in looking to the future…to what they were leaving their children. He knew that to make big changes he had to take baby steps. And the day his grandfather’s will had been read, the day he’d been put in charge much to the shock of everyone, Taz included, he’d decided that he’d do whatever it took to make the kind of changes that would make a difference. He would trim the fat and bring Temple Holdings into a future they could be proud of. But some days were worse than others. Thank God he had people he trusted in Texas, or he’d have to spend more time there than he wanted to.
Even so, today was one of the shit days. Mostly because of his uncle. He was going to have to make a move sooner than later, but in the meantime, he needed to clear his head.
Just thinking of Cameron and Ryan lightened his mood, so Taz headed to Big Bend and arrived at the church a few minutes before bible camp let out. It was another beautiful day and July was finishing up as hot and sunny as it had started. A few clouds dotted the bright blue sky and the forecast for the weekend called for rain.
He leaned against his truck and pulled on the brim of his cap, shading his eyes. There were groups of women, and a few fathers, waiting for their kids, and though he wasn’t in a particular mood for conversation, he lifted his chin in a hello.
“Taz.” He turned as Lacey Pearson walked up to him. He’d always liked Johnny’s wife. She was quick to smile, always had a raunchy joke in her back pocket, and called things as she saw them. He liked that about her.
“Lacey,” he replied. “Johnny at bible camp?”
“He is. Lord knows that boy needs some church in him.” She smiled. “Your mama’s been looking after the girls?”
“She’s had them all week. It’s easier with my schedule to get them here on time.”
“Martha certainly doesn’t mind.” She leaned against the truck, beside him. “I bet she spoils them rotten.”
“And then some.” His eyes were on the doors as a few kids began to appear. “I miss them. Thought I’d surprise them today.”
“You’re a good dad,” Lacey said quietly. “The girls are lucky to have you.”
His chest tightened a bit. “I’m the lucky one. They’re just…” Hell, how did he describe what the girls meant to him?
“I know.” Lacey waved to her boy as he came barreling out of the church, Cameron and Ryan hot on his heels. “They have a way of claiming your heart.” She gave him a look. “Though I hear you been holding a part of yours for someone else these days.”
Taz was saved from answering as the twins ran into him, two tornadoes that were a mess of hair, giggles, pink, purple, with a dash of silver, and non-stop chatter.
“Daddy!” They squealed in unison. He scooped them up and accepted their hugs and kisses the way any man would do. He let them grab hold of whatever they could and submitted. When they began to wriggle too much, he let them down.
“Daddy, we learned all about Jonah and the big whale.” Cameron’s eyes were wide, and she impatiently pushed back her hair, which had long fallen out of its ponytail.
“The whale had him for supper,” Ryan added. “He was really hungry.”
“But then Jonah got out of him.”
Ryan looked at her sister. “The whale got sick and puked.”
“God told him to puke.” Johnny joined the conversation.
“Well, let’s not talk about puke when it’s so close to supper time.” Lacey ran her hands over the dark curls on top of Johnny’s head and glanced at Taz. “You going to the big dance tomorrow night?”
“I’ll be there.”
“You bringing cookies?”
Here we go, he thought. Damn Mike Paul and the pic he’d put in their group chat. He’d taken more ribbing from the guys than was fair, and though the jibes had been good natured, he was nipping this one in the bud.
“Nope, but I am bringing Scarlett.”