Page 46 of Piece Of Me
“Just like a princess, Auntie Scar.” Nora appeared from behind Rosie, wearing a pink tutu overtop a green bodysuit, her look completed with baby blue cowboy boots.
“Thank you, sweetie.” Scarlett leaned down and kissed her niece. “You look like one yourself.”
“Daddy said I’m the prettiest princess in the world.” She twirled and giggled. “Even when I’m naughty.”
“He’s not wrong about that,” Manley said with a wink. His face softened and he walked over to Scarlett. “You look just like your Mama.”
That knot was back in Scarlett’s throat, and she couldn’t speak. She ruffled the hair on Hank’s head and kissed her father’s cheek just as there was a knock at the front door.
Her heart jumped, racing inside her chest, and along with it was her ability to breathe apparently, because she had to take a moment to gather herself. No way could Taz see the effect he had on her. She wasn’t ready for that.
Manley crossed the hallway and opened the door. He introduced himself, said a polite hello and stepped aside.
Taz appeared, an appreciative smile on his face as he looked her over and that’s when Scarlett knew the game had changed. Again. Already she was thinking past dinner and the dance. She wanted dessert.
His hair was damp, like he was not long out of the shower, and he was dressed simply in a plain black T-shirt, jeans and boots. The T-shirt showed off his muscular chest and biceps perfectly, while the worn jeans fit his long legs and butt to perfection. He had that unshaved look she loved, and his eyes appeared luminous in the low light. When he smiled and moved toward her?
Her panties were on fire. Her lady parts singing. Her blood boiling.
All that and the man hadn’t said one word yet. And, she had an audience. Get your shit together, she thought, exhaling slowly as she dared to meet his gaze.
“Hi,” she managed to say without sounding like a complete idiot.
“Evening,” he replied, turning toward Rosie. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Taz.”
“That you are,” Rosie replied, eyes dancing as she snuck a look toward Scarlett.
“Hey, I know you.” Nora pushed past Scarlett until she was in front of Taz and looked up at him, her hands on her hips. “You’re Cameron and Ryan’s daddy.”
“I am.”
“What are you doing here?” she asked, peeking around him. “Did you bring them for a playdate?”
“Actually, they’re at their grandmother’s. I’m here for Scarlett.”
Nora looked over her shoulder and giggled. “Auntie Scarlett. You have a boyfriend.”
“That’s enough now,” Manley said gently. “The adults need to head out.” He turned to Scarlett. “Have a good time and don’t worry about the kids. I aim to tire them out and they’ll sleep like angels.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Scarlett dropped one last kiss to her son’s forehead. “All the bottles are prepared in the fridge; you just need to heat them up. You know where his diapers are. If he’s fussy he likes to listen to Hotel California, and?—”
“We’ll be fine, hon. Now go.”
“Have a good evening, Mr. Bridgestone.” Taz nodded to Rosie. “Ma’am.” He stood aside and Scarlett walked past him and didn’t stop until she reached his truck. “Hey, stop for a second,” he said, his voice dropping to that low rumble that make her insides quake. “You look beautiful.”
She’d left her hair loose; it shone with just a hint of purple now and fell in long waves over her bare shoulders. She’d chosen a plain baby blue cotton dress, strapless, with an A line that fell a couple inches above her knee, and wore white flats. Her makeup was simple, no need of blush because she was in a constant flush these days, and soft pink gloss on her lips. She had used a bit more eyeshadow than normal with some smoky grays and added a second coat of mascara, which gave her a more dramatic look.
His hand was on her chin, and she looked up at him, her reaction visceral. “I’ve been looking forward to this since Wednesday,” he murmured, sweeping a kiss across her lips. “But I think we have an audience, so we’ll have to continue this later.”
Scarlett knew Rosie and her dad watched from the parlor window, heck if the positions were reversed, she’d be right there with them. Taz opened the passenger door and helped her into the truck, this touch warm and lingering while he leaned across and did up her seat belt. When he was buckled up beside her, he put the truck in reverse and shot her a questioning look. “Your brother left already I take it?”
She nodded. “Cal and Millie Sue met up with Benton in town. They had business or something, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Where are we meeting them?”
Shit. She was really doing this. Going on a date with Taz Pullman. With her family. “Big Rock Eatery.”
“Fancy,” he said with a grin. “You ready?”