Page 59 of Piece Of Me
“You got enough onions on that hotdog?” Scarlett asked.
“I don’t know. It’s so big.” Lacey winked and held it up. “I was wondering about the size more than anything. It’s a footlong. Do you like footlongs? Have you seen a footlong lately?”
“Oh my God, Lace. Stop.”
Lacey took a big bite, eyes bright as she chewed. Once she swallowed. “I’m sorry, it’s all I’ve been thinking about.” She nodded toward a picnic table. “I’m dying here. You were very vague when I texted you yesterday.” They sat down and Lacey took a sip from her soda. “I don’t have a lot of time because Johnny and Punk will be back any minute. Did you guys do the deed?”
“We’re getting right to it then?”
“Damn straight. Did you?” Lacey swiped at some mustard in the corner of her mouth.
“You tell me,” she replied coyly, though it was hard to keep from smiling.
“I think that you’re looking at my hotdog and it’s bringing back memories.”
“Stop.” Scarlett reached for it and took a bite.
“Was it good?”
“What do you think?” She was blushing, no way around it.
“I think it was more than good.” Lacey leaned back; eyes narrowed. “I think that it was so good you had to do it more than once just to see if Taz Pullman is an anomaly.”
“You’d be right.”
“And I’m thinking he’s not just an anomaly.”
“Wow, you’re shooting three for three.”
Lacey giggled. “I love it. And you guys are here today. Together.”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know,” Scarlett admitted. “This feels good. Better than good. I don’t think I have a word to describe it. I’ve never felt this way before,” she confessed. “And he’s so wonderful with Hank. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. From what I’ve heard he was giving Mike Paul a run for his money when it comes to the ladies. I might be the flavor of the month.”
“Firstly,” Lacey’s mouth was full, so Scarlett had to listen closely. “No one can give Mike Paul a run when it comes to the trail of broken hearts he’s responsible for.” Her brow furrowed. “Though I think something’s up there. I heard he’s been laying low.” She continued to chew. “That’s another story, where was I?”
Scarlett opened her mouth to reply, but Lacey continued.
“Taz Pullman is no angel, that’s true. But he’s always been upfront with the women he’s been with. That’s what Johnny says anyway. He’s still pals with most of them. And I know for a fact that he’s never brought a woman with him to an event. Ever.” She winked. “I think you guys are a thing.”
“A thing?”
“A couple. Shit.” Lacey jumped to her feet. “There’s Johnny and Punk. I don’t want him to see me with this hotdog. I’ve already had one and if he sees me scarfing down another one, especially with all the onions he’ll know that?—”
Scarlett stood up. “Know what?” Lacey’s skin was flush, her face somehow fuller. “Are you pregnant?”
Lacey glanced over her shoulder toward her husband and son, then turned back to Scarlett, eyes misty as she slowly nodded. “I haven’t told a soul. Not even my mother. It’s so early and I’ve had issues in the past.”
“I won’t say a word,” Scarlett whispered, grabbing the hotdog from her hand as Johnny and Punk came over. She kissed her friend on the cheek. “I should go,” she said. “I’ll call you later.”
“Not if I call you first,” Lacey quipped. “And Scarlett? That was a footlong, right?”
“You’re terrible.” Scarlett left her friend and headed back to the barrel racing. Her mood was light and, in that moment, her world was perfect. In fact, her entire afternoon was perfect. If she were in a Disney movie, there would be birds chirping, squirrels dancing, and magic in the air. And later, after the five of them had an amazing dinner at a local steakhouse, then a walk along the main street where they enjoyed ice cream, Taz drove her home.
The kids were asleep, tuckered out from a full day of activities. He grabbed Hank, and followed her into a quiet house, and then upstairs to her bedroom, where he placed the sleeping child in his crib.