Page 65 of Piece Of Me
“I know.”
“Just say the word and I’ll take care of him.” The threat was real and, alarmed, she looked at Taz.
“No. I can’t—” She swore under her breath. “I can’t talk about him with you. Not now. I need to wrap my head around a few things.”
For a moment Taz studied her in silence. “Do you still have feelings for him?” he asked quietly.
“No,” she replied, “not like you think, but…” She saw his surprise and knew she was screwing this up. How to explain the confusion inside her? The fear? “I just need to figure some things out.” Tears poked the corners of her eyes and she swiped at them angrily. “I’m making this worse, aren’t I?”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Taz’s voice was soothing. He grabbed her chin, and she looked up at him. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
“I just need a bit of time.”
“I can give you that.” He cracked a smile, though his eyes looked sad, or something close to it. “I was looking forward to our night together.’
“I know.” She bowed her head. Their plan had been to leave the barbecue together and spend the night at his place. As a couple. “I can’t tonight, I...”
His finger was on her mouth, and he leaned closer. “It’s okay.” Taz dropped a kiss to her forehead and pulled her back into his arms. She would have stayed that way forever if she could have. After a while he moved away, and she heard Hank fussing about in his crib.
“Should I be worried?” he asked, voice low and serious.
“No, I…I don’t think so. I mean…” She heaved a sigh and met his gaze. “No.”
His expression was unreadable. A heartbeat passed. “You know where I am.”
Then he was gone. And she was empty. Scared. And more confused than she’d ever been. She hadn’t lied to Taz. She didn’t have romantic feelings toward Malcom. But there was something there. And it was enough of a something to feed that confusion. Was it the sting of rejection? Or something more.
“Stop it,” she muttered, knowing she had to shake off the blackness.
Scarlett picked up her boy and changed his diaper. She made her way downstairs and was grateful to find the kitchen empty. Everyone was still outside. She fed Hank, and watching him eat and smile and chatter in his baby-talk should have lifted her spirits. Instead, it fed the dread inside her.
“I’ve got a plate for you.” Benton walked into the kitchen and motioned toward the table.
“I’m not hungry.”
“That’s why you need to eat. Let me.” He grabbed the cloth from her hands and waited until she sat at the table. While she pushed her food around the plate, Bent cleaned up Hank’s face and hands and then lifted him out of the highchair.
“Did Taz leave?” she asked watching her brother.
Benton nodded. “The girls were getting tired.” Her brother set Hank on his hip. “I’m not going to ask any questions. Your business is yours. But I want you to know we’re all here for you. This family does what it takes to protect their own.”
The threat was subtle, and she nodded. Couldn’t answer because her throat didn’t seem to be working. Eventually she loosened up the knot and managed to eat a bit of potato salad.
“I have to go see him tomorrow. Can you watch Hank for me.”
“Thank you.”
“No need for thanks.” Benton crossed the kitchen and plunked Hank down on the floor at her feet. Immediately the little guy started playing with the edge of her chair. “We’ve got your back.” He was serious as hell. “Your man Taz is made of the same stuff. So don’t go feeling you’re in this alone. If this Malcom wants a fight, we’re more than happy to give it to him.”
And that, in a nutshell, was exactly what Scarlett was afraid of.
She said nothing and when Benton left her alone with Hank, she scooped him up and headed back to the sanctuary of her room. She knew Malcom had a plan. No way had he come all the way from Ireland to Montana because he wanted to share a mimosa over pancakes and apologize.
“I’ll worry about that tomorrow,” she muttered, falling onto her bed, exhausted.
And that’s exactly what she did.