Page 76 of Piece Of Me
The two of them drove to Bozeman in silence. Scarlett was too anxious to speak, and she figured Lacey didn’t have anything good to say about her scheme, so she was quiet too.
Just before ten a.m. Scarlett stood in the middle of the foyer of the hotel, her eyes on Malcom as he made his way over to the concierge. He was dressed casually, a short sleeve white linen button up, and beige shorts. His hair was slicked back, wet from the shower, and his smile lit up every female in the place. His charm was palpable, but all it did was rot in her gut.
He spied her and walked over, those female eyes following his progress. His smile was firmly in place and when she said nothing, an eyebrow shot up.
“You wake up on the wrong side of bed, luv? You’re looking a tad peaked.”
“Are we still doing this?” Her question was blunt.
His eyes narrowed a bit. “I don’t quite like your tone.”
“I don’t quite like being manipulated.”
“Touché.” He gave a slight nod. “In answer to your question. Yes, I’m looking forward to spending the week with you.”
“And Hank.” Her voice was light, but the sarcasm wasn’t.
He waited a beat. “Yes, I’m looking forward to getting to know my boy.” He looked around. “Where is he?”
“Outside in my truck.”
“Ah,” he stepped toward her. “Where are we off to?”
“I said I’d spend the week with you, but I didn’t say I’d do it here. I’m off to New York City. I have a place there.”
“Right. Well, give me a minute to pack.”
“No. You’re on your own. Text me when you land.”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond but headed for the exit and less than an hour later, she and Hank were seated on a plane that took off for the Big Apple. She finally relaxed and ordered a mimosa, eyes on the blue sky and puffs of white clouds. It was time for her to formulate some kind of plan.
The flight was uneventful and hours later Scarlett stood in the kitchen of her brownstone, Hank on the floor playing with a toy, while she put away groceries she’d had delivered. Outside the city buzzed and she wandered over to the window, eyes sweeping the street below, which was quiet at the moment. There were overflowing boxes of flowers on her neighbor’s steps, and she smiled thinking of old Mrs. Lawson.
Scarlett’s place was beautiful, spread over three stories with high windows that let in a lot of natural light, original hardwood flooring and beautiful stain glass on the front door. It was a house that most city folk would die for, and yet to her, it felt empty. She needed open spaces and big skies.
She needed Taz.
Her heart ached at the thought and tired, she scooped up Hank, and took the stairs that led to her bedroom on the third level. The master suite was spacious, with large windows, a walk-in closet and an en suite that boasted both a large stand-alone tub and a shower big enough for two.
She placed Hank on the bed while she unboxed the playpen she’d ordered. It would take the place of his crib nicely, and after she bathed him, Scarlett put her son down, singing softly until his eyes became heavy and he fell asleep. By this time, it was nearly nine and her phone pinged. A message from Malcom.
I’m here. Staying at a boutique hotel not far from Times Square.
She thought for a moment and then sent a reply.
We’ll meet for breakfast at Arty’s. I’ll send the location tomorrow.
She saw that he was typing and waited. She was in charge now. How would he react?
See you then, luv.
Apparently, politely.
She made a face and tossed the phone. Then crawled into bed. She didn’t want to think about the coming week with Malcom. Didn’t want to think about Taz back in Montana, because thinking of him made her sad and that was something she didn’t have time for. That she’d deal with later. She cleared her mind as best could, and eventually fell asleep.
* * *
Scarlett was up early enough to hear the birds outside her window chirping loudly. “I’m glad you guys are excited for the day,” she muttered, stumbling into the shower to chase the sleep away. A long hot shower should do the trick.