Page 8 of Piece Of Me
“Taz Pullman.”
She stopped, her hand midway to her son’s face, and turned to her sister-in-law. “Taz Pullman.”
Millie nodded.
“Taz Pullman has a kid?”
“He adopted his sister’s twins.”
Scarlett vaguely recalled a story about his sister dying young.
“You seemed to make quite an impression on him.” Millie Sue winked.
“I bet I did.” An image of his eyes plastered to her milk-soaked chest came to mind and she swore under her breath.
“He popped into the Sundowner, and we got to talking about the party and he told me to invite you.” Millie Sue picked at an invisible crumb on the counter. “I told him you wouldn’t come.”
Scarlett yanked up her head. “How do you know I won’t go? Maybe I need to get out.” She wasn’t going. Hell, the last place she wanted to be was anywhere near Taz Pullman. But still, she didn’t like anyone speaking for her.
“You haven’t gone anywhere or done anything since you came home.”
“I had a baby.”
“That doesn’t count.” Millie Sue’s watched her closely. “I suppose you did prance around town in a nightgown. That has to count for something. Please tell me you had something on underneath that thing.”
“I don’t remember if I did or didn’t,” Scarlett replied with a chuckle. “But judging by the look on Pastor Wheat’s face as I walked by him and his wife, probably not.”
“What’s going on in here?” Cal Bridgestone walked into the kitchen and immediately planted a kiss on his wife’s cheek. He stared down at her for a few seconds and then slipped his hand behind her neck as he turned to his sister.
They were so easy together. So right. Scarlett was a big enough person to admit that she envied them because they had something she wanted. To be loved back by the person you’ve given your heart to.
“Nothing,” Scarlett replied lightly, pasting a smile she didn’t feel to her face. “We’re just talking.”
“I asked Scarlett to come with us to the party for the twins.”
“She won’t come.” Cal’s reply didn’t skip a beat.
More than a little annoyed Scarlett glared at her brother. “Why does everyone think that?”
He looked to his wife then back to Scarlett. “Because you won’t?”
“Well, maybe I will.” She thrust out her chin and looked down at Hank. “Maybe it’s time I introduce this little man to the folks in town.” A thought hit her. “Who else is going to be there?”
“A lot of people you’ll know. Some of the girls you went to high school with. Taz has made a lot of friends since he’s been in Big Bend,” Millie Sue replied.
“That doesn’t surprise me,” she retorted, heavy on the sarcasm.
Just then Nora came running back into the kitchen like her pants were on fire. She was a sight indeed, a colorful mix of bright purple, a lot of pink and a dab of orange. She was a girl after Scarlett’s heart with her odd sense of style.
“If you want a ride out to the ranch you best get your butt in gear.” Cal looked at her questioningly. “I think you should come.”
Scarlett bit her bottom lip and tried to ignore the jumping jack beside her.
“You’re coming to the party Auntie Scar?” Nora whirled around in a circle, her pink tutu flopping up and down as she did so. “It’s gonna be so much fun. Taz gots lots of donkeys and horses and…” Her eyes widened, her voice dropping to a whisper. “He even has a snake in the barn.”
“A snake?” Scarlett said, eyes on Millie Sue.
“A huh, a big one.”