Page 82 of Piece Of Me
“Give me some room please,” she said through gritted teeth. She waited a few seconds, head to the side, then Malcom moved toward the island and leaned against it, watching her in silence as she put water in a vase and then arranged the flowers.
She couldn’t look at him and the thought of continuing this pretense made her ill. There was no point. She was no closer to finding out his agenda than when she’d been back in Montana. So, what in hell was she doing?
Scarlett rested her palms on the counter and looked at him. She was done.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“What’s that, luv?”
“This.” She gestured with her hands. “Us. I can’t do it.” As the anger inside her bubbled; it gave her the kind of courage she needed. “I won’t do it. Your emotional blackmail is done.”
His whole demeanor changed. His eyes flashed and he stood taller, hands fisted at his sides. “I don’t think you’re understanding,” he began, the Irish lilt much more pronounced. “The week’s not over and you agreed to give me that. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. I don’t want to take your child from you.”
“No court on the planet will give him to you. My God, you have zero interest. He’s the most amazing little person and you have no idea.” Her voice caught, heavy with emotion, but the anger carried her through. “As much as I dislike you. As much as I think you’re less of a man than most, I wanted you to see the miracle we created. A miracle you threw away last year.” She glanced over to her boy, now on his back playing with his toes and oblivious to the drama unfolding. “You don’t want him.”
“You’re right,” Malcom replied, an ugly expression on his face. “I want you. And you want him. I know it’s a package deal.”
Hurt, the kind that hit hard, made her chest tighten. How could he be so callous about Hank?
“You’re un-fucking-believable.” Angry and hurt, she had to take a moment and Malcom, as if suddenly aware of what he’d just admitted to, attempted a smile.
“Scarlett, we were good together. Don’t you remember the night we hit up that pub and listened to the folk band until nearly four in the morning? Don’t you remember how we made love in the garden outside our lodgings because we couldn’t wait to get into bed?”
“I was drunk, and you were full of lies. Not a good combination.”
The doorbell rang and heart beating a mile a minute, Scarlett took a step.
“Don’t answer that.” His voice changed to a softer, cajoling tone. “Scarlett, let’s start over.”
She ignored him and made for the front door. It afforded her a moment away from Malcom. A moment to reorganize her thoughts. She would call her brother Cal. He would help her with the legalities of going after full custody. He had the money, and she knew he would help her. Why hadn’t she done that in the first place? Why had she insisted on fixing this herself?
Scarlett’s mind was racing as she opened the door, thinking it was most likely Joe from the grocery. But it wasn’t. Her heart skipped more than a beat and if it weren’t for the strong arms that reached out for her, she might have melted into a puddle on the floor. Her legs were noodles, her muscles putty.
She stared up at him, wordless because her brain had stopped functioning.
“Hey there, Peaches.” His warm voice smashed the icy grip on her heart, and she had to work hard to keep her tears at bay. There would be time for that later.
“How?” she mouthed, still not believing he was here with her.
“Benton gave me the address.” His eyes looked her over. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head and waited a bit until she could speak. “No, but I am now. I have so much to tell you. I?—”
Scarlett didn’t get a chance to say anything more because she was crushed against his chest and his mouth was on hers. His kiss was hungry. It was soft and yet there was an urgency that took her breath away. She clung to him, unable to do anything but submit, and then Malcom spoke, and the spell was broken.
“Well now, are you going to introduce me to your friend?”
She froze, her body cold, her limbs shaky. Taz gave her one last kiss and slowly pulled away. She watched as his expression changed. His eyes narrowed. His nostrils flared. The air shifted and she felt as if she was in the presence of a predator.
“Taz Pullman,” he said, gently placing her at his side. He looked at Malcom and made no bones about why he was there. “I’m here to talk.”
Scarlett cleared her throat; unsure her feet would even move. But then she felt his warmth at her back, his breath along her neck.
“Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ve got you,” he whispered. “You’re not alone anymore.”
She exhaled, uncaring at the tears that sprang to her eyes. For the first time since Malcom had reappeared in her life, she felt hope. She felt cared for. She felt loved.