Page 56 of Wild at Heart
Dad gives Mom a look. “Okay, so?”
“After the meeting, I went by their trailer to make sure they were all right, and they weren’t there.”
“Son, we need to steer clear of the private lives of our employees. I told you that. If he saw you, he might’ve?—”
“There was an eviction notice on the door. It’s likely they’re living out of that truck.”
Dad frowns. “Well, damn, that’s unfortunate.”
“That poor girl,” Mom says. “I hope he didn’t spend the rent money on booze.”
My eyes flash to Dad’s. “So you do recognize it’s becoming a problem.”
“It might be, yes. But you don’t put a man out who needs help.”
“I’m not trying to put him out. A couple of warnings is a start, and I have no doubt Wade has taken care of that from his end.”
“What else would you propose?” Dad asks pointedly.
“Maybe the suggestion to get help. And that his job will still be here for him if he does.”
“But he has a child to take care of.” Mom gives Dad a sidelong glance. “And we know how that goes in some families. Will be hard to convince him.”
They might not have come right out and said it, but I have a feeling they’re referring to Porter’s old man.
“So how about we offer Randy an empty bed in the bunkhouse?” I suggest.
At least we’ll be able to keep an eye out, in case there’s trouble.
Mom’s eyes light up. “And Pixie can take one of our spare rooms.”
I nod. “Not sure Randy will go for any of that. He’s too proud. But maybe Wade can persuade him.”
Chapter 24
“We should hit the bar after supper,” Randy says to Otis and Jeb.
“Sounds good,” they both reply.
I can’t help but notice Wade watching Randy from across the bunkhouse. It’s been interesting since he moved in, to say the least. He doesn’t hide his disdain for me—it’s obvious in the way he looks at me. I have to bite my tongue every time he makes a smartass comment to me, and the only reason I do it is because of Sully. Damned if I don’t think Randy knows that. If he doesn’t try to push me because he sees that I don’t want to cause trouble at the ranch that will only make things more difficult for Sully.
And the truth is, they could make things more difficult for me too. Sullivan Ranch still belongs to his father, and if he decides I’m too much trouble and wants me out, well, I’ll be out. I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.
“You think that’s a good idea?” Wade asks. “We got work in the morning.”
“We got work every fucking morning. We gotta have some fun.” Randy tosses a glance my way. “You like to have fun, don’t ya?”
My body stiffens in response. Trying to keep myself busy, I pick up my guitar on the mattress beside me.
“Though I guess you have yours a little closer to home,” Randy adds.
I pin him with my stare. “What the fuck does that mean?” I know exactly what he means. He’s talking about Sully.
“Randy,” Wade says, warning in his voice.
He holds up his hands and chuckles. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Just that Porter is obsessed with the ranch and would rather spend time with the horses than anyone else.”