Page 58 of Wild at Heart
Jesus…he didn’t even tell her he was leaving? I don’t know why I’m surprised. “Actually, I think your daddy went to bed early tonight. He wasn’t feeling great after dinner. Maybe just catch up with him tomorrow.”
She nods, but I can see the truth in her eyes. I held the same knowledge about my own dad when I was her age.
“Okay,” she says, the light in her gaze having dimmed slightly. “Night, Mr. Bishop. Night, Mr. Porter.” She runs toward the house on her thin legs, the dogs following behind to make sure she gets inside safely.
“I hope she doesn’t realize her daddy’s truck is gone,” I say.
“Shit. I didn’t know he left. Sure has been doing that a lot the last week or so.”
“Yeah, he has.”
Sully leans a little closer to me and grins. “You called me pretty.”
I roll my eyes. “I was talking about the stars, asshole.”
“No you weren’t. You think I’m pretty, Porter Dixon. Admit it.”
I can’t help but laugh, wrap an arm around his shoulders, pull him close, and kiss his temple. It takes me a moment to realize I shouldn’t have done that. We’re too close to the house. “Fuck. Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” I haven’t hidden the fact that I’m queer in a long time, but I’ve never wanted to touch someone in front of others the way I do Sully, never wanted to claim them and kiss them in front of the whole world. I need to get a damn handle on my emotions before I fuck things up.
“I don’t want you to apologize for kissing me. And come here.” He picks up the telescope and blanket, then leads me farther away from the house and barn. Sully uses his phone’s flashlight, and we go into the shadows of a field, where no one can see us.
He sets up the telescope, but instead of looking through it, he lies in the grass and tugs me down too. The moon is bright, like a light in the sky for us, adding to what his phone produces.
Sully rests his head in the crook of my arm, the two of us on our backs, taking in the stars.
“Look, there’s Orion.” He points.
“I have no idea what you’re pointing at.” I chuckle. “What am I supposed to be seeing?”
“He’s the hunter. See those three stars? That’s his belt.”
I cock my head. “You’re making shit up.”
“No I’m not.”
I kiss his temple again. I know he’s not, but I like to give him shit. “I see it…though I’d rather be looking for your belt.”
He rolls his eyes. “Always so horny.”
“For you? Fuck yes.”
Sully laughs again. I run my hand up and down his arm as we settle in, just looking at the sky.
“He go to the bar?”
“Yep,” I reply.
“He’s getting worse.”
He is. I almost tell Sully what he said in the bunkhouse, but I don’t want to worry him, so I roll on top of him instead and kiss him. This is a whole lot better than talking anyway.
Chapter 25
I groan into the kiss because Porter’s mouth feels so good. It’s a cool night, but not chilly enough to have to head inside. Besides, I’ve got Porter to warm me, and since fall has been less ornery this year, with more pleasant and dry days than not, we might as well take advantage of it.
Porter’s lips move down my neck, his fingers unbuttoning my shirt as he goes. When his tongue lashes a nipple, I hiss. Of all the lovers I’ve had, Porter is the only one who always takes the time to touch every part of my skin he can reach, and being reminded of that is like a shock to my system.