Page 23 of Bitterly Cold
“Relax, cuz,” Raymond whispered and elbowed me.
How could I relax with everyone staring and laughing at me?
Maddox hit the gavel on the table and all the attention went to him. “First order of business is welcoming this military man into the fold. Fucking happy you returned in one piece. We’ll have to get drunk together and you can tell me all the shit you saw.”
“Anytime.” Although I couldn’t tell him everything. Some stuff was top secret, but I’d share what I could.
“Friday night is Dante’s party. Prepare for karaoke, booze, and women. Not kittens. They’re only for members, but I’ve got some girls coming just for you.” The prez winked, and a weird sinking feeling in my stomach nearly made me barf.
“Something wrong, son?” Lynx asked.
“Are you sure, cuz?” Raymond asked next.
Every member stared at me, Storm and Maddox with the severest of glares. Was I missing something?
“Speak your mind, prospect,” Maddox told me.
“I don’t need women.” The words flew out of my mouth unbidden.
“My bad. I can find some guys for you.”
A snort came from Storm.
“I mean, I already have a woman.” I straightened my spine. When I woke up this morning, I had no intention of claiming Ember before I even talked to her. But there I was doing just that. “Ember is all I need.”
“Come again, prospect?”
I cut my gaze at Hero. “With your blessing, of course. Ember is the only girl I’m interested in.”
“But I thought my Birdie was the love of your life?” Storm asked.
Jesus, what the fuck was happening. “Um, she was my teenage crush.” On my left, I heard a low growl from my cousin. “But it was never returned.”
“No, it wasn’t.” Storm leaned forward with his elbows on the table. He still had massive forearms and a deadly glint in his gray eyes.
“So, my daughter is your second choice?” Hero’s lip curled into a snarl.
I’m a dead man.
“No.” I leveled my gaze at Hero. “I was stupid back then and hadn’t noticed what was in front of me. I’ll make it up to her.”
“Hell yeah, you will. Are you claiming her?”
I gulped. What in the actual fuck?
“Breathe, prospect. We’re just fucking with you.” Maddox chuckled and lit a cigarette.
I didn’t take my eyes off Hero’s. “She’s it for me.”
“Good. I wish you all the luck tying her down. She won’t make it easy for you.” He sat there like a proud father.
“I know. Wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“Enough. I don’t want to get off track,” Maddox barked. “No women for the prospect. That just means more for the first of us.”
Bjorn pounded his fist on the table. I was surprised to see him. He’d been working at Maddox’s twin brother’s sex club in Chicago for as long as I could remember. But after Markey found his woman and married her, he closed up shop, and Bjorn returned to Minnesota.