Page 1 of Nazario “Neo” DeLuca
Introduction to Nazario “Neo” DeLuca
Neo knocked the office door and waited until he heard the professor bade him enter. Stepping into the room, he turned the lock and listened to the soft click. The professor was sitting at her desk, her soft eyes questioningly travelling over his face, a small frown distorting her usually smooth forehead. It was a small office at the back of the Languages faculty building with one small window high on the wall to the left. A desk sat in the center of the room with a filing cabinet to the back, a chair directly facing her across from the desk, and a cooler in one corner were what made up the furniture in the room.
“Non è necessario bloccare la porta, Nazario,” she said. (You do not need to lock the door.)
“Si, faccio (Yes, I do),” he replied with a smile. “So che volevi parlarmi dei miei voti in inglese? (I understand you wanted to talk to me about my English grades?)”
“Non sarai in grado di recuperare il credist in tempo per passare questa classe (You won’t be able to make up the credits in time to pass this class),” she replied. “Hai saltato un bel numero di lezioni questo semester (You have skipped quite a number of classes this semester).”
“Is that so Professor?” he asked, switching to English. “What do you suggest?”
Her eyes widened, expressing her surprise that he spoke English so well. Neo grew up bilingual, speaking his native language of Italian, English from his mother’s side of family, and learning French and Korean also from his very brilliant fashionista mother.
This young man wasn’t failing his major because he was inept, he was failing because he didn’t think it was necessary, with his family’s name, to study or take anything in his life seriously. He knew that at some point in the near future he would inherit Adriano Deluca’s empire, given that his older brother Giannino had no desire to work in the family business. Neo had always gotten what he wanted, received the best of everything as the son of Melody and Adriano. And since his older brother was always travelling, his parents doled out double the attention to make up for what Nino was missing. Being a spoiled brat was an understatement.
Not only that, he knew how to work his six foot three inches, broad shoulders, angular jawline and scrumptious smile to his advantage. His curly dark hair, hazel eyes and luscious pouting lips was a talking point between the women, and even some of the men at his university. Neo was the Italian stud of Adriano Deluca, mixed with the Black beauty that was Melody, making him quite the irresistible center of attention in any circle.
Since discovering that he had an above average size dick and that women would do anything to sleep with a DeLuca, he’d been whipping it left, right, and center every chance he got since he was around fourteen years old. Now he was planning on whipping it with his professor. Normally he wouldn’t care that he was about to fail university, but he promised Nino he would do well to graduate this year.
After taking off time to galivant and travel the greater part of Asia after high school, he was forced to buckle down and get his Bachelor of Arts Degree in order to prepare him to take over the family business. Neo saw things differently. He thought that with his background and charm, he didn’t need to have a diploma, and he was only doing this because of his brother’s influence.
“So, professor, what do you suggest?” he repeated, coming closer to the desk.
“Short of repeating your major, I don’t see what else you can do. I also understand you are not only failing my class, but most of your other courses as well.”
When he reached her desk, he perched his ass on the edge. She looked at him with a slight frown, her dark brown eyes puzzled. Neo’s eyes trailed over her oval face with almond shaped eyes, accentuated by her dark shadow. She was a very attractive woman in her late thirties, maybe early forties, with ample breasts and lustrous olive skin. Her blonde hair was up in a bun and her black rimmed glasses perched on her nose.
“I’m sure there is something I can do to make it happen,” he responded.
“Without a miracle, I doubt that.”
Reaching out, he removed her glasses, closed it and gently set it down on the surface of the wooden desk. There was hardly any space as the top was scattered with papers she was marking. She gasped and tried to grab for the glasses, but he took hold of her hand instead.
“I’m one to believe in miracles, Professor Sabelli,” he crooned in English, kissing the palm of her hand.
She gasped. “What are you doing, Nazario?”
“Making that miracle happen,” he droned, as he reached up and removed the pin that held her bun in place. “You’re such a beautiful woman, Professor, why do you hide behind these hideous glasses?”
She rose from her chair as Neo watched her lustrous hair fall over her breasts. He also stood, slipping a hand around her waist and pulling her close. Her breasts crashed into his chest, eliciting another gasp from her. He twisted her around, lifted her and sat her ass down in the spot where he’d sat a few seconds ago.
Professor Sabelli’s mouth hung open as Neo wedged himself between her thighs and cupped her face. Her breathing became short as he dived in for a kiss. As he closed the space between their lips, he noticed she smelled of pineapples. He inhaled deeply, loving the way she gasped as his lips touched hers gently. The kiss was about to deepen when a knock at her door drew them apart. She pushed him away as she reached up and skillfully redid her bun as she hurried to the door.
Neo took a chair in front of the desk as she opened the door and let in a female student.
“That will be all Signore DeLuca,” Professor Sabelli said in a stern voice.
He stood and adjusted his jacket. He must be the only student to attend University in a suit. He was a Deluca, the minute he turned eighteen he decided to start acting like one. It was rare to see his father out of dress attire and the only other outfit Neo was comfortable wearing were his leather or denim jacket and jeans, and that was only when he rode his motorbike.
He always thought casual clothing made people look idle and a suit made you look professional. Every photo he’d seen of his grandfather Ermanno in, the man was wearing a suit. The men that worked in the DeLuca organization all wore suits on a daily basis. Therefore, he was only preparing himself for the inevitable role he was bound to play anytime soon.
“Signore Deluca,” the Professor’s voice echoed as she returned to her desk and told the student to take a seat. “We’re done here.”
He chuckled as he walked to the door while the student sat in the chair he occupied a minute ago. When he reached the door, he turned and brushed his bottom lip with his thumb before stretching out his tongue and slowly swiping across his lips. He could see her face reddened as she swallowed. With a grin, he stepped through the door and pulled it shut behind him.
* * *
Neo leaned against his burgundy Ferrari SF90 Stradale across the street from the red brick apartment building that he knew Professor Sabelli resided. She should be home any moment now and he was ready to make her see reason. Why would she fail him when she knew who he was? He was a fucking DeLuca, and the DeLucas always got what they wanted.
It was approaching dusk and he’d promised his buddies to meet up at one of their hang out spots for drinks. He himself only had light lager, as he promised Nino that he wouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol until he graduated. The health nut believed that alcohol and weed impaired cognitive responses. And that cigarettes destroyed the lungs. Since Nino was the doctor in the family and Neo thought he was some kind of a god, he never wanted to do anything that would disappoint him.