Page 6 of Nazario “Neo” DeLuca
Chapter 3
“How could you allow her to leave?” Neo shouted at Marco. “Didn’t father insist that she stay here?”
The soldier visibly cringed at Neo’s angry tone. “She ordered us not to follow her, said she needed to go alone.”
“You’re useless!”
Neo turned away from the soldier and dialed his mother’s number. While he waited for it to ring, his eyes wandered around the room and noted that Frankie was missing as well. Did the captain accompany his mother? That thought made him realize that his mother’s cell phone was turned off as it didn’t ring.
He turned back to Marco. “Where’s Frankie?”
“He left shortly after you took the Madam up the stairs, said he got an urgent call.”
“That’s mighty convenient,” Neo observed, feeling something twist in his gut as an uneasy feeling swept over him.
Something wasn’t right. He called Frankie and also got no response. The last resort was calling his father. The phone rang out. At least it was on. He tried again and this time the line opened.
“Hello Neo,” a woman answered, her voice smooth as silk.
“Who is this?” he demanded, his face scrunching into a deep frown as he knew his father never let anyone except his mother answer his cell phone. “Put my father on the line.”
“Let’s play a game first, Little Neo,” she said, ignoring his request.
“I don’t have time for your shit, I said put my father on the phone!”
A laugh resounded through the phone. “So impatient, Little Neo.”
“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” he shouted.
“Patience,” she replied in her sickly sweet voice. “First we play a little game of hide and seek and I may allow you to speak to your father, if he is able.”
A cold finger crawled over Neo’s neck and down his spine. Goosebumps rose all over his skin as blood rushed to his head. An icy feeling presented itself in his belly even as his body grew warm. He recognized this as fear, something he’d only felt once when he visited his cousin Enzo when he was ten years old.
Neo inhaled a shuddering breath and tried to calm his nerves. How would his brother act in this situation? How would his parents handle this? At this moment he wished that he hadn’t wasted precious time chasing all the girls and idling time with friends. Those precious moments should have been spent under the tutelage of his father.
He lowered his voice and started pacing the living room. “Who are you and what do you want?”
“The question is Neo, what do you want?”
“I want this game to be over. Where is my dad?”
She chuckled softly. “Finding your parents is up to you little Neo.”
“What do you mean. Where is my mom?”
“One parent at a time Neo and to be clear, do not involve the authorities or you may never find them. Kapeesh?”
“Understood. Now tell me where they are.”
“Find your father first and then I may allow you to find your mommy.”
Neo’s heart sank. His mother just left the house around fifteen minutes ago stating that she had to head out by herself, citing an urgent call. Did the woman on the phone do this? Did she lure Melody out of the house? Weakness assailed him as his heart drummed heavily against his ribcage.
“Where is my mom?” he asked, his voice strained as his jaw tightened and his head began to pound.