Page 35 of Guardian's Instinct
“What will advance her in this lifetime? Yes, this is a third choice.”
“And couldn’t you see how that will impact her? Like, if she’s in that spot on that day and this thing happens, her finances would look like this, and her love life would look like that?”
“I can tell her how the Heavens align, but there are still hard choices for her to make. What does she want most?”
“What would you say?”
“I am a spiritual being moving through a human experience. This is a phrase repeated throughout the millennium in myriad ways. I do not seek out love, fame, or fortune. I try to learn and grow. That is how I spend each birthday, in a state of growth, in a place that will best facilitate my evolution. But this is my path in this lifetime. Others need to learn other lessons. Bringing the opportunities to someone’s attention is all I can do. And, too, once presented an opportunity, not everyone can open themselves to grasping it.”
“Because it requires spontaneity?” Mary was beginning to sense a theme over these last couple of days. And then she suddenly remembered that she’d left her wet clothes in her washing machine back home where they were rotting.
“Typically, this is so. And you,” Mrs. V. held up a finger, “seem to be someone who might struggle with spontaneity.”
Mary pressed her lips together. Wow, that felt too personal coming from a stranger, Deidre, sure. But this lady?
Mrs. V. smiled with that tiny exhale of amusement as if she heard Mary say that aloud. “So, I was explaining to you, that as I looked at my personal charts and as I went into deep meditation to speak to my soul, I discovered that I was being called to intervene in a series of events that were unfolding. I discovered that your friend Deidre had the birthdate I was looking for among those who had reached out to me for future appointments. I saw in my meditation about her role in this process that she was not the person I sought, but she had a friend—you, I am hopeful,” Mrs. V. turned her palm up to indicate Mary, “to go to the right place and be there at the right time.” She patted the scrolls in front of her. “But I will look. Your birthday is tomorrow, Deidre told me.”
“Tomorrow. Yes. Forty.” Mary held up jazz hands. She wasn’t sure she was following this. Was Mrs. V. saying that —? Nah. “Why do people have to come see you in person?”
“Simple. I read the charts, but I also read the person.” She laced her fingers. “These two things inform me and the approach I take.”
Mary put her hand on her chest, spread her eyelids wide, and shook her head. She didn’t have money for any of this.
“Yes, I know you are not a paying client. Put yourself at ease. No one will follow up with a bill. I will ask only one thing from you: when I discover why you are here, you will heed the call.”
Mary gave an unblinking shake of her head. “Look, you already know my birthday is tomorrow, and I have no travel money. So unless this place is close by —” Mary shrugged.
Mrs. V extended a languid hand toward a table. “My assistant has set out tea for you. The view out the window is lovely. If you would give me some time, I will work on this question.”
Mary was awkward as she got up from her chair to move to the other side of the room. She didn’t seem to be able to coordinate her movements. Mary wondered briefly if she had hit her head going down the mountain and, in her terror, hadn’t realized it. After pulling a napkin across her lap, Mary glanced over at Mrs. V. Her glasses now rested on the tip of her nose as she focused on her desk. With her fingertips under her hair, Mary started at the base of her scalp and moved her way over her head with slow, concentric circles, looking for tender spots. She was a little disappointed to find none. So, not a head injury.
The tea was fragrant. The finger sandwiches and pastries yummy. The view out the window peaceful. And Mary let herself rest in the wingback chair, head supported in the little corner.
Mary was surprised when she heard Mrs. V.’s voice rouse her from the half-doze. When she turned her head, the look on Mrs. V’s face gave Mary pause. The yoga had slipped a bit, and there was stress there. Probably not like the lotion of stress that Mary rubbed into her skin on a daily basis, but yeah, there was stress there.
“It’s quite extraordinary.” Mrs. V. leaned back in her chair, sliding the glasses from her face and dangling them from her fingers as she assessed Mary.
Mary moved the teacup from her lap where she had rested it back to the table, then gripped the sides of her thighs, clenching her stomach, ready to take a blow.
“Three questions: love life, career and material life, internal life.”
“Yes?” Oh, this seemed bad.
“All are informed by your going to the exact same geographical location on your birthday tomorrow.” Mrs. V. leaned her head at an extreme angle as if trying to see Mary from a different point of view. “Well, I knew from my meditation that this was a special case.” She laid her reading glasses on her desk. “I’ve never had a client reading where two locations coincided, let alone three.” She breathed in and squared her shoulders. “Yes, quite extraordinary.”
Mary clenched her teeth. Shit! She was being sent to Borneo.
“Tallinn, Estonia.”
Mary pulled her chin back and considered that name. Estonia, she knew she’d heard of that country. Place it on a map? Not so much.
“It’s across the Baltic Sea from Helsinki.”
Nope, if it wasn’t a place a submarine might go, Mary didn’t pay it much attention. Geography wasn’t a big part of her education or her interest. She only had a passport because she and Deidre had gone to the Canadian Expo last year. “Okay.” She’d do an Internet search back at the hotel.
“I highly suggest you leave in the morning on the first flight. The very first flight available in the morning.” She emphasized. “You need to be there without any hitches as early as you can on your birthday.”
“No hitches.” Mary’s takeaway was that in her meeting with Mrs. V., Deidre had been handed the quandary of deciding her priority shift next year. But Mary was handed an ultimatum.