Page 6 of Beowolf
“She’s been so brave. Really an amazing young woman after all she went through. And here we are so close.” Olivia stared out the side window, focusing on a squirrel clinging to the tree trunk. “I’m not buying the timing of this illness. Did she say anything else?” Olivia drummed nervous fingers on the cooler lid.
“Yeah, that the last few days she thinks she keeps catching glimpses of Kyle’s brothers.”
“We have protective orders in place. Did Candace call the police?” Olivia asked.
“The men are on motorcycles with helmets on, so right now, she’s not a hundred percent sure. She’s guessing from the shapes of their bodies. But I think that’s what’s got her terrified. She’s moved to a temporary place—a friend’s empty rental. I have the address. I’ll text it to you as soon as we hang up.”
Olivia’s lungs caught. “Motorcycles?”
“Another reason I’m calling. You told me you haven’t been able to sleep this last week because of the motorcycles revving in your neighborhood. If you think that the Offsed brothers are harassing you, maybe you should consider staying at a hotel until sentencing.”
Well, that would make all the sense in the world that the sudden late-night intrusion of motorcycles roaring up and down the neighborhood roads was the Offseds trying to rattle her in court. But how would they have found out where she was living?
“Do you know how many people in Northern Virginia have motorcycles? The chance of me being a target is slim to none. Candace, maybe. But she’s moved. She happened to get sick the day before her testimony? I’m a cynic, too. We need to focus on getting Candace in tomorrow, even if she’s clinging to a puke bucket.”
“How do you want to handle this?” Steph asked.
“Okay, new plan. I’m going to assume she’s terrified and doesn’t want to be retraumatized by being in the same court with Kyle, dredging up the story, and getting cross-examined. So she needs support.” Olivia shifted her hips farther back in the seat and sat up straight. “I’m going to call Bob Palindrome.”
“Cerberus’s court support pooches? Good idea if Candace will go for it. And if the judge signs off. Short notice, though.”
“Very short. Before I reach out to Candace with the offer, I’ll see if it’s even a possibility with Iniquus and the judge.”
Her phone buzzed—Mickey. She tapped him silent.
“Defense might hate the idea,” Steph said.
“Defense won’t have much of an argument,” Olivia leaned back until she felt the cool leather through her silk blouse. “Look, I only have a few minutes until I need to be back in court.”
Her phone buzzed—Mickey.
“Who is that?” Steph asked. “Do you need to take it?”
“Robo call. I’m on this Candace debacle. I’ll keep you abreast.”
Olivia ended the office call, then typed a message for Mickey: Call me again, and I’ll file for a restraining order. She looked it over and erased it before she pressed send. The last thing she needed with less than a week until divorce court was something that might make her look paranoid or aggressive to the judge.
She pressed the button. “Jaylen?”
“I’m still here.”
“Sorry. Work. Okay, you were telling me that Tilly colored your white comforter?”
“And the walls in red magic marker. I didn’t even know we owned a red magic marker.”
“Water soluble?” Olivia shoved her last bite of sandwich into her mouth and reached for her celery sticks.
“Nope. Permanent.”
“I have to get some stain-covering paint at the hardware and repaint the wall,” Jaylen’s voice muffled as she called out. “Hey! Don’t pull the dog’s ears, Tilly. He doesn’t like that.” Olivia waited as Jaylen handled the situation, then returned to the call. “I’m going to bleach the heck out of the comforter and see if I can salvage it.”
“Did you get mad at her?”
“How could I?” Jaylen asked, her voice warmed with a smile. “Tilly was delighted. She told me it was pretty. I imagine she was doing it as a gift, a nice surprise for when I woke up. So what could I do? She’s two. I got her a pad and told her we only make art on paper.”