Page 12 of Holding the Tempo
“I’d be up to help you,” Justin said as he came in with another bag, giving it to me.
“Neither of you knew about this?” I asked.
Seth glowered even harder. “Not a clue. Seemed those two kept tight-lipped about it.”
“I didn’t know that was possible,” I mumbled.
Seth snorted. “Yeah, well it happens from time to time. I’m sorry they did this. It shouldn’t have happened. You should have been able to come and have fun. Instead they put on that little show.”
“I can’t wrap my head around it,” I said. Shaking my head, I blew out a breath. “Doesn’t matter. It’s done. And who knows, maybe it’ll help? Things were getting bad at school.”
“I should have failed myself,” Seth mumbled.
Justin snorted as he headed back into the kitchen.
“I hate that I can’t be there for you at school. If things got so bad that Paxon and Toby felt the need to pull this shit…I wish I was there.”
“And do what exactly?” I challenged. “Make things worse?”
Seth closed his eyes and blew out a breath, his shoulders slouching. “I hate this. That I can’t be there to help you.”
“It isn’t that big of a deal.”
“Paxon and Toby seem to think it is.”
I grimaced. I guess he was right. And they had a point too. While Benji wasn’t the one to instigate my attack last weekend, he was definitely part of the group who had. We weren’t blind. It was just that we didn’t have proof to be able to do anything about it. And now that whole group had been warned off. If they tried anything else, Paxon and Toby were prepared to retaliate.
Threatening people like that still didn’t settle right in my stomach.
“I’m going to go get some water, then I’ll help you,” I said and headed into the kitchen.
All the bowls and plates that had been on the table were now on the island. Bryan was carrying the stools back to the island while Justin worked on putting up all the leftovers.
“Here,” he said, holding out a plastic cup to me.
I grabbed it and saw the water inside. And it was cold to the touch. I smiled. “Thank you.”
He nodded and dumped a bunch of cookies into a Ziplock bag.
“Are you taking the leftovers back with you?” I asked.
“No, but I’m sure Toby will. I’m going to apologize now. Toby is a demon the week or so after Halloween.”
Laughing, I eyed all the extra candy we had. “I can imagine.”
“Aunt Laura already set up a dentist appointment for him to make sure all that junk doesn’t rot his teeth.”
“I bet he’s going to enjoy that.” I took a huge drink, not realizing how thirsty I had been until the water hit my tongue. Half the cup was empty by the time I lowered it. There was a thud from the other room. “I better go help Seth before he breaks his living room.”
Justin chuckled as I went back. A chair had fallen over by the wall. It looked like Seth was trying to get the sheet off the wall.
“What the hell did they use?” he grumbled.
“Looks like some hooks,” I said, almost laughing at the way he had jumped at my voice.
I joined him in the journey of safely taking the sheet down. Then we got to cleaning the rest of the living room and put everything back to their rightful places.