Page 2 of Holding the Tempo
I raised an eyebrow and looked at Lillian.
She smirked and just shrugged before messing with my hair some more.
“That’s all I get?” I asked, unable to hold back my curiosity. I had noticed they’d begun hanging out soon after Micah transferred to our school, but I didn’t realize it went deeper than that.
“There really isn’t anything to talk about. Yet,” she said.
I made sure my expression told her I wasn’t impressed with her answer. She laughed. “All right, we’re done.”
“About time,” I mumbled and stood up. I went over to the tall mirror leaning against the wall in my bedroom and then did a double take. “What? How?” Speechlessness stole all my thoughts. “This is me?”
I was still me, but somehow sharper. Harsher. Punkier. My chestnut brown hair was parted to the side with a strand at the front dyed hot pink. Dark eyeliner. Nude lipstick.
“The power of makeup. We sharpened your features, made sure your eyes popped, and the hair brings it all together. You look like you’re ready to rock on stage for the night.” She went over to her bag. “We brought more accessories to finish off the look.”
By the time Micah came up with Hazel, I was finally dressed. I had a white tank top with a pink skull on it, covered by a black leather jacket. I finished it off with a red plaid skirt and black ankle boots. Then Lillian tossed on the accessories. Bold silver rings, chunky red and black bracelets. Chains. Studded belt for my skirt.
“Whoa, it’s like I’m looking at the real thing.” Micah gave a cat call, making me smile.
If I had to pick only one boy to gain the sweet title, it’d be Micah. He was an artist type, enjoying writing poetry the most, but I saw his sketchbook and he was good at that too. He was nice all around, protective. And super cute too. He was my height with curling brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a dimple-filled smile.
Micah was also my oldest best friend.
“What exactly are you dressed as?” I asked, taking in his spiked-up hair with blond tips, the piercings on his face, and the dark clothing. I knew for a fact none of that was real. Micah had always been against piercings. Even to just do his ears. I’d been trying to talk him into at least doing his ears for a long time.
No way he’d suddenly have ten piercings in his ears, one in his nose, and one in his lip.
Plus, his dad would murder him. His mom would probably laugh it off, but definitely not his dad.
“No-name rock band,” he said.
“We helped him too,” Hazel said, sounding all too proud.
“So they tortured you too?” I asked.
He nodded slowly. “Relentlessly.”
I snorted and made sure to have my phone and keys. “What about you guys?” I asked the twins.
“Oh right. Give us five.” Lillian grabbed a duffle bag and the two of them hustled away.
“It took them two hours to work on me. Why do they only get five minutes?”
“Because we’re pros,” Hazel called out.
Micah laughed as he came over and sat on my bed. “How are you doing?”
His eyes narrowed and he patted the mattress. “That’s code for not fine. Talk to me, Cadence.”
I grimaced and joined him on the bed.
“What is there to talk about? Shitty things keep happening to me, and I keep trying to deal with it. Tonight is Halloween, and I don’t really want to deal with it. I just want to go have fun with the others.”
“Then tonight, we’ll have fun, and tomorrow, while you’re hung over from all the sugar, I’ll come back to harass you.”