Page 54 of Holding the Tempo
I swore everyone went deathly silent.
“What are you talking about?” another classmate finally spoke up, voice soft.
“I’m done playing soccer after the state championships.” Paxon’s voice came out stronger. “I love soccer, but after giving it a lot of thought,” he glanced at me, “I’m done. I don’t want to keep playing through college. I don’t even have aspirations to play soccer professionally. I love playing with you guys and pushing us to the end, but I never really wanted to go further than that.”
“Isn’t that a waste?” Sebastian asked.
Paxon shrugged. “Feels more like a relief to me.”
“What the hell?”
The response felt like it was echoed through everyone, as if he was their chance and he was taking it away from them.
“I told you, didn’t I,” Benji said, moving over to our table and glaring at Paxon.
Paxon turned to stone under my touch as he glared back.
Benji glanced at me. “You’re so blinded by her that you’re willing to throw away your future.”
“Better be careful,” Paxon said in an icy voice.
“Careful of saying what everyone thinks?” Benji said. “You love soccer. Always have. We talked all the time about our future playing soccer.” His jaw tightened. “And then you meet her and suddenly you’re changing your mind? That’s fucking bullshit.”
“Quitting soccer has been something on my mind for the last year. Before I met Cadence. Yes, I love soccer, but I don’t want that for my future.”
“So you’re going to throw away scholarships that many of us have been fighting tooth and nail for. You know how fucking hard it is to get an offer, and you had multiple. But you’re going to turn it all down?” Sebastian asked. “That’s fucked up.”
“I’ve already talked it out with my dad. I have other options. My life isn’t going to end because I don’t have a soccer scholarship.”
“That’s fucking bullshit,” Benji yelled, gathering the attention of more people around us.
He slammed his palms against the picnic table and leaned in closer to Paxon. Justin and Toby jumped to their feet, hands fisted at their sides. Fear prickled along my skin as my heart skipped a beat and then returned two-fold, sensing the violence way too close to me.
“Cut it out, Benji. You’re only turning more into an asshole,” Paxon said. “I had hoped you learned your lesson, but apparently not.”
Benji’s nose flared, cheeks reddening with his fury. “You used to be someone we all looked up to.” His gaze briefly flickered to me. “Until you met this slut and let her cut your dick off. What’s so special about her? She isn’t even that pretty. Is it because of how easy she’s willing to spread her legs?”
“What the fuck?” Toby yelled stepping toward him.
Benji only smirked, his gaze raking over my body. I shuddered, leaning away from him. He licked his lips, eyes darkening. “Maybe I should give her a try. See what’s so special about a slut like—”
He never had a chance to finish. His face smashed into the picnic table with a loud thud.
I jumped with a small scream, nearly falling back as Benji was yanked away from the table, landing hard on his ass.
“Justin, what the fuck?” Paxon jumped to his feet.
Justin was breathing heavily as he glared down at Benji, his blue eyes nearly black.
“Oh?” Benji touched his nose. “She’s your bitch too?”
Seth and Paxon were both reaching for Justin, but they were too slow as he pounced on top of Benji, punching him multiple times.
I jumped to my feet, almost falling trying to get away from the picnic table. “Justin, stop!”
It was like he didn’t hear me. All of his brutal attention was on Benji, rage pouring in every flex of his muscles.
Suddenly everyone was pushing in, trying to stop Justin, but with so many people, everyone was just getting in each other’s way.