Page 65 of Obeying the Owner
Even though our complicated past makes being his employee difficult, I wouldn’t want us to have never met on Finder.
“No. I’m glad for the time we spent together.”
“At least you don’t have regrets,” she says.
“No, not about meeting him.”
Kissing him back the other night? That’s another story.
* * *
Really, God? How can you do this to me?
Climbing from my car, I slam the door shut and march up the Ledger’s driveway.
“Ugh.” An annoyed grunt passes between my lips as I walk past Trey’s SUV. Had I known he would be here, I’d have made an excuse not to come. But at this point I’m stuck and have to commit to having dinner before I can leave.
I ring the doorbell, and my heart gallops behind my rib cage like a herd of wild horses while I wait for someone to appear.
Lillith opens the door, greeting me with a wide smile and a motherly hug. “Maeve, I’m so glad you could make it. You look wonderful, dear.”
“Thank you. So do you. Having Greg around more must agree with you.”
She nods. “At least for now. Maybe he’ll drive me mad in a few more months.” She hooks her arm through mine. “Come right this way.” We walk through the large foyer and into the open kitchen and living room.
“Maeve!” Gwen calls my name and jumps to her feet. She races over like a blur and crashes into me with a hug.
“Hi, Gwen.”
Her thin arms squeeze me before she steps back. “What are you doing here?” she asks.
Before I can answer, Lillith steps in. “Didn’t I tell you Maeve is having dinner with us?”
Gwen turns her head from side to side. “Nope.”
“There’s my favorite employee,” Greg calls out as he heads toward me.
I smile. “Oh, look. My favorite boss.”
Greg chuckles and draws me in for a brief hug. “Trey, did you hear that? I guess your charm isn’t working on Maeve.”
Trey approaches with his hands shoved into the front pockets of his dress pants. His tie is missing, and the top two buttons on his shirt are undone. Jesus. He looks good enough to eat, but I’m definitely not supposed to notice such things about my employer.
“She just needs more time to realize how lucky she is to have me as a boss.” He smirks.
Funny, I don’t feel so lucky at this moment.
Greg laughs and pats him on the back. “Sure, son. You keep trying.”
“That’s the plan.” Trey answers his father but stares directly at me.
“Let’s adjourn to the dining room. I bet Maeve is hungry after a long day at work,” Lillith suggests.
“I’ve been looking forward to this meal since you first invited me,” I confess while I wait for everyone to choose their seat. I take the closest available chair, which happens to be next to Trey.
“Maeve must be the reason you made lasagna and meatballs. I can’t remember the last time we had that,” Greg says.
Lillith nods. “Yes, she is. I gave her a few choices.”