Page 3 of Because You Need Me
Our knees touched and I hitched a breath that I tried to cover with a sniff. Considering I was burning up, it was far from a cold. The only illness I had was an inexplicable desire to be close to a man that could shatter me. Would shatter me. But this close, knees touching, eyes searching, lips yearning, I decided that I didn't care.
His eyes darkened with something besides anger. “It started that night at the Red Door Club. I had a plan. To fuck.”
I almost drew blood when my teeth sank into my bottom lip. I never knew the F word could be so sexy, or that mere touching of knees could be foreplay. My pulse quickened. My nipples pebbled beneath my shirt as I leaned in closer, silently surrendering to him.
His lips curved at one side, a smirk that told me he knew what he was doing to me. “And I will fuck you. But ever since I started to get to know you and let you know me, I've realized I want more. I want all of you, Penny.”
His fingertips danced across my knee and I trembled, saying a silent prayer. Please don't do what I think you're going to do. The lust in me embraced the naughtiness and prayed for the exact opposite. Touch me, Xander.
His fingertips skimmed my inner thigh and I finally eked out, “Are you-”
“Going to finger you in this restaurant?” He leaned in, his lips brushing my ear just as he brushed the seam of my core through my panties. He let out a moan of approval as he pressed against the fabric, feeling my wetness. “Absolutely.”
He slipped his fingers inside my panties and I squeezed my eyes shut, struggling to keep the moans from pouring out my lips.
He paused and they flew back open. I shook my head effusively, but my words were a hushed whisper. “Please don't stop.”
He shook his head too, his dark locks sweeping back and forth until he scooped a hand through the mahogany strands. His eyes glowed with molten desire. “I want you to look at me,” His deep voice rippled through me. “And I want to look at you.”
I held my eyes open, every nerve, both erotic and cerebral, was turned on with breathtaking clarity as he buried his finger inside me. The pleasure whipped through me like something wild and untamed. I rocked against his strokes, my eyes locked on him like he was the only thing keeping me from losing it altogether. Our moans were in our gaze, the pitch building as he increased speed and I saw that this was more to him than fingering. He was touching me, possessing my body in a way that I'd never experienced...and I was touching him too. Without words, I was telling him to take my body; to take my heart. Begging him not to break it. He was telling me to trust him against all odds. To trust that he'd give me what I needed, and what we both desired. He was promising something that wouldn't wilt in a month.
I came and I had to let go, my eyes fluttering, my lips clamped together as my orgasm tore through me. The sounds I made were far from sexy, a panting, mewling that I tried to stifle against the crook of his neck.
My lips trembled into a smile, my body still shaking as I opened my eyes, just in time to see our waitress skipping back to our table.
I yanked my skirt down.
“A little late for modesty, don't you think?” he chuckled.
I elbowed him, hurling him a dirty look. He shrugged his shoulders innocently, sipping his drink. I never knew it was possible to want to strangle, screw, and cuddle someone simultaneously.
“So!” our waitress chirped brightly. “What can I get you guys to eat?”
Xander and I exchanged a look and I nearly came again when he brought the finger that had been inside me to his bottom lip. He stroked it across his skin, then followed the path of his finger with his tongue. When he was done teasing me, he ordered the salmon and I sputtered out one of the salads.
He didn't even wait until she was done jotting down my order before he pulled me closer and gave me a deep kiss that rocketed me back to cloud nine. I could taste myself on his lips.
“I already know what I want for dessert,” he said softly, his eyes darkening with passion.
After our waitress shuffled away, her cheeks as red as mine, I dropped my hand to his crotch, gripping his solid erection. I was on this ride with him and I wouldn't think about the end. I wouldn't think about all the ways it could go wrong. I was going to throw my hands up and scream for dear life until I didn't have any air left in my lungs.
“Me too.”
Chapter Two: Xander
“Mr. Wade?”
I blinked, sitting back in my chair like I was listening. “Yes?”
Rachel Maddox, the head of accounts at Wade Enterprises, glanced to my right. Sight unseen, I knew Caitlyn was glaring at me. Rachel knew Caitlyn was the only one on staff that held any real sway with me. She could give me lip and get away with it.
I was a million miles away, and they all knew it. I was somewhere hot and tropical. Penny was stretched out on the sand beside me, her cute little nose buried in a book while my hungry eyes unabashedly savored the way her body filled out an itsy bitsy-
Rachel cleared her throat in a grating way that yanked my attention back to the task at hand. I was stuck in a meeting that I was longing to end so I didn’t have to discreetly text Penny.
I gave Rachel my full attention and ire. Suddenly, she was speechless. “Yes?”
Rachel was one of the strongest closers on my team. To be honest, when I met her, I roped her in with many of the young, attractive, women that cycled through my company’s doors, falsely believing all it took to succeed was an Ivy League education and a pretty face. Towering over male and female staff at 6’2, with pale blonde hair and a rail thin frame accentuated by pastels that she often paired with black slacks, I would have bet on Wade Enterprises chewing her up and spitting her out.