Page 3 of The Interview
I’d never felt so viscerally attracted to someone.
But she didn’t say a word. Excitement was shouting louder than anything that would keep me from pushing her up against the wall and finding out for myself if she was as wet as I thought she was.
I held open the door to the stairwell after sliding my card through the reader.
“After you,” My voice was smooth as sin. Overly confident. There was a part of me that worried she’d say ‘fuck you’.
I held my breath and pretended like I wouldn’t be devastated if she didn’t follow my first command.
She hesitated, finally shaking loose of my hold. She didn’t bolt, taking the tiniest step backward. “My interview-”
“I’m about to administer a preliminary interview,” I interjected. “Personally.” I licked my lip at the thought of her quivering skin beneath my fingers. What was this woman doing to me? I was a fortress. This wasn’t my first time at the rodeo, if you will. I could control my dominant desires, at least long enough to properly initiate my potential sub. My cards were flat on the table. I needed her...and I needed her now.
She gave me a look that made my cock harden to stone and without another word, she turned on her heels and began the descent.
Chapter Two
Watching the round, delicious curve of her ass was almost enough to distract the nagging voice in my head that threatened to call the whole thing off.
One look, and you’re sure she wants to be dominated? That’s a hell of a gamble. Not to be outdone, my conscience, common sense, or both even dredged up images of the headlines all over the world. “Billionaire Playboy and Star of the Acclaimed reality show PR, arrested for assaulting...”
My eyes ate her up with a spoon, knowing that interviewee, a young woman, hell, even beautiful didn’t do it justice. There was a sensuality about her that ignited a desire that wouldn’t be denied. How could I make rational, coherent decisions when my fingers wouldn’t stop twitching, imagining the way her dark curls would feel when I grabbed a fistful, tugged her head back, and exposed the delicate flesh of her neck? My lips ached to taste her, certain that she’d be even sweeter than I imagined. And even though I could feel her apprehension, she moved down the stairs with a surety that made my cock press against the fly of my pants. No two Dominants are alike and the submissives they seek out run the gamut from the virginal, with coy naiveté that radiates like some saccharine perfume, to the brazenly disobedient who act out in hopes that they’d be punished for it. This woman was somewhere in between, not naive nor playing coy. She was too confident, too deliberate for games. She knew the power she wielded and it would take a man with a firm hand and experience to claim her.
Or you could have misread it all and she’s moments from flipping you off or worst.
I refused to acknowledge the massive lump that clogged my throat. There was a question I could ask that would give me insight as to where she stood, but the answer could also end whatever this was before it began. And with my recent string of bad luck, culminating in Rachel’s latest attempts to piss me off, I forced the words from my lips, prepared to let her go.
“Are you afraid?”
I expected silence, maybe a replay of that lip biting nervousness, but she answered immediately.
Like her quick response gave her whiplash, she swayed perilously on the heels she was clearly unaccustomed to wearing. I was so used to women that not only wore ridiculously high heels, but made sure I knew just how precious they were to them, or one better, just how much they cost. Those kinds of things, fashion, being noticed—they weren’t priorities for her and it just made her shine brighter in my eyes.
I steadied her, my breath catching when I felt her warm curves pressed against me. Her nearness was more than intoxicating, especially when I felt her gently rocking against me like we were doing a dance that we’d been doing for years. We knew the steps; we knew that this was our moment. It was maddening...which was probably why she flew down the remaining steps, putting an invisible barrier between us.
Her dark eyes flickered across my face. “I-I can’t do this.”
I bought myself a little time, giving nothing and everything away as my eyes locked on hers. “Do what?’
There was uncertainty as she looked at me like I wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all her. “I have an interview.” She paused and I could see the gears turning, the fight that first caught my attention roaring back to life. “With Maria Delacourt.” Her eyes dropped to my crotch and quickly darted back to business. “A proper interview.”
Fight...there was another ‘F’ word that came to mind when I watched the stubbornness ripple from her brown eyed gaze to the hard set of her jaw and the jut of her lip. Feisty. And with no effort at all, another juicy F word echoed through my head. Fuck.
I hadn’t touched her or told her my dark needs and already I craved her. I was about to put the final nail in the coffin and take what I wanted.
I powered forward, protests, common sense, my company, all fading to black. I was just a man. A Dom. And I couldn’t explain it, but I knew she would be mine. It was confirmed when I heard her gasp. It wasn’t a sound filled with fear. It was the sound of surprise. Of being overcome with arousal.
“Mr. Whitmore, I can’t,” she whispered.
Can't? Oh, but she could. My fingers shot to her waist, need electrifying my fingertips. I let desire take the wheel. The clasp was unhooked first and the zipper was next. I needed to unwrap her; see the beauty that lied underneath.
In my haste, I realized that I hadn't prepared myself for just how breathtaking she would look because when her skirt fell away, exposing the unchartered territory of her skin, the warm tones contrasting with the scarlet richness of the lace panties she wore, I had no breath at all. No words. Nothing but a moan that clawed its way from the depths of me and wanted to pour from my lips. I got ahold of myself before it got much further than my throat. She looked good enough to eat, and I could picture her splayed on the bed, spread eagled and bound, dripping wet with excitement for what was to come. Waiting for me to dive my tongue inside.
I had a flash of pause, forcing my gaze from those delicious panties and back to her haunting eyes. I still couldn't put my finger on why I knew this woman was meant to be mine, but it had something to do with her eyes. One look and I would know if this was my dick doing the talking, or if there was truly something here worth exploring.
I looked...and I saw it all in her brown eyes. Excitement: blistering hot and setting her gaze on fire. Want: brazen and commanding. Fear: embarking on something erotic with a total stranger.