Page 7 of Beauty and the Brawn
“Come work for Fool’s Gold.” I smile flatly when he says this, ignoring him as the announcer comes back on. “Hold that thought. I need to focus,” he adds.
And that’s fine with me, considering I don’t have anything to say other than what I have. I don’t need him to fix my problems. I need him to support me in fixing my own problems.
“They call him Lawless at their peril,” a low, gravelly voice begins. “Because when you call, he comes. And when he comes, there’s nowhere to hide.”
Lights, smoke, cheers, and a screaming guitar solo fill the arena as a tall, broad-shouldered orc struts out and comes down the walkway.
Now there’s a villain, I think.
Lawless Jackson and the actor who plays him, Ronan Bronson, may not be on the same side as Archimedes and the other good guy faces of Raucous, but he has the company's complete devotion. At least from where I’m standing.
And I can see why. Anything he glares at turns to gold. The packed house is a testament to that, but so is the long list of others he’s bolstered by beefing with them. He’s setting up a new member of the Raucous team with a few cameos in the guy’s storyline now and killing it. I don’t realize I’ve been chewing my lower lip and thinking about myself until Lawless’s chair strikes Ganigar’s back.
Why haven’t you asked him for help? a little voice in my head asks.
The autograph session goes on and on. I’m thrilled my fans are happy, but I’m getting carpal tunnel and my cheeks hurt from smiling. I suck it up and keep on singing and smiling.
In the crowd, I spy my shadow. Dee Dee Dauterive, wannabe wrestling star and my love-sick swampster. If her green eyes weren’t so lovey-dovey, the creep factor would be more. The side-mouth drooling I could do without. Ronan, suck it up, man, and smile. She adores you.
My peripheral vision catches movement. A welcome appearance. It’s Joseph and Cheyanne O’Malley. I’ve seen them around. This industry is tight-knit. I’m never sure if we track one another for actual interest or competitive reasons.
Joe, I’ve seen around the ring. Cheyanne, not as much, but I admire her character. Archimedes. Fighting for the good. Damn, I wish I had that brand. I’m so sick of the bad guy image. But money rules this game. I’m bringing in the cold, hard cash, and that’s all that matters around here.
“You beautiful ladies take care now!” I wave off the last of the autograph hounds, blow fake kisses, and suppress a dry heave. I avoid direct eye contact with Dee Dee, lest she mows me down with her slobbering kisses in some amorous quarterback sack. One move from her, bad boy orc or not, and I’d cry mommy and run for the hills.
I approach the two, genuinely smiling now.
“Welcome. Hope you liked the show.”
“How could we not? You brought the house down, yet again.” Joseph flashes his gold-filled teeth.
“I’m glad you’re here. I wanted to congratulate you on that merger. Quite the feat.”
“Well, thank you. It’s a gamble, I know. But once your wrestling brand is toast, you gotta make a living somehow. Back in my day, we didn’t make the haul that you idols do now. Have to train my pretty girl over here.” Joseph hugs Cheyanne, which makes her blush.
“Geez, Dad.”
I laugh. “Hey, Cheyanne, grab while the getting’s good!”
We all laugh. My pathetic attempt at humor at least broke the ice. Some. Cheyanne is uncomfortable around me, not at all like my fans. I can’t decide if her stand-offish demeanor is due to shyness, or if she really doesn’t see me as the idol the rest of the world does.
Should I admire or scorn her? Keep smiling, idiot. The last thing my image needs is self-doubt.
“So, Cheyanne. I’ve seen you around, of course, but I haven’t caught your show. I hear your brand is solid.” I’m lying, of course. It used to be, but I’m not trying to bring up a sore subject.
Under her breath, I hear, “Solid is a word for it, I guess.”
Cheyanne smiles at me as if I were a child. It’s like my manly ‘orcishness’ is melting into that gecko I see on TV, the one selling insurance to humans. I swallow hard.
Joseph natters on about the merger. I see his lips move. I see his eyes sparkle. I eagerly nod. But I’m zeroed in on Cheyanne.
Why is she not gushing over me? Wait, why is it always all about me? Note to self, get that mental defect investigated.
I avert my eyes. “So, do you plan on injecting more female fighters into the industry? Watching only male faces vying for the silver buckles gets downright tiresome.”