Page 14 of His Boy Next Door
For a moment, Jack simply wondered at the universe for putting him in this position. Ewan. Relying on him. What were the odds?
But he had to do this. He had no choice.
He reached for his phone to message Channon back. Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll take care of him.
Chapter Four
Your old man’s buying me dinner. Is that code for sucking his dick? I’ll not do it!
Channon read the message again to make sure he understood it. Jack was obviously taking Ewan’s freak out seriously. Well, that was good.
Jacks not gna let u suck ne thing Channon sent back. dnt get ur hopes up
He got back a bunch of black hearts in response which he figured was the emoji equivalent of a ‘fuck you’.
he might make u eat kale Channon added, smirking a little at the idea.
After a moment, Ewan replied with a single vomiting face emoji. Well, at least he was feeling more himself. Things couldn’t be that bad, then, could they?
Don’t worry, sweetheart, Jack had texted, and later, Call me when you’re in bed.
Channon could do that. But that was hours away.
Meanwhile, Nate was impossible to get at, even when the conference broke for lunch—he was whisked off for some VIP thing Channon wasn’t invited to. It wasn’t until they wrapped for the day that Channon was finally able to restore his phone and let him know what was going on with Ewan. Nate ducked out to make a call and came back looking amused more than anything.
“So, I hear Jack and the menace are hanging out tonight,” he said cheerfully. “Want to speculate on how badly that goes?”
Channon wrinkled his nose. “Uh. It might go fine? Jack promised he’d take care of him.”
“Yeah, but Ewan hasn’t promised to be good,” Nate countered with a wicked grin. “I can’t help wondering what Jack’s going to do to him if he acts up. I told Ewan,” he added casually, “that Jack had permission to use anything on the left side of the toy cupboard.”
The thought made Channon inhale sharply. Jack wouldn’t actually punish Ewan, would he? Jack always said he wasn’t interested in playing with other subs. But if Ewan needed him…
Except Ewan didn’t need him like that. And it would be all wrong for Jack to punish Ewan because he was frustrated with Ewan’s bratting. Channon hated the idea intensely.
Some of that must have shown on his face, because Nate patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, I didn’t tell Jack that. Just putting a thought in Ewan’s messy little head. Jack won’t lay a finger on him.”
It was a relief, but Channon still felt a little anxiety at the thought of Jack and Ewan alone in a house with a toy cupboard.
“So, since that’s happening,” Nate went on, cocking his head and grinning handsomely, “why don’t you let me take you out to dinner? We can pretend we’re having an affair.”
Channon grinned. As if. Then again, he had sucked Nate’s cock for him, and Nate had fucked him raw, several times now. But Jack had always been in charge of that. So it wasn’t like the thought of sex with Nate was ridiculous, just the idea of doing it behind Jack’s back.
“I’ll ask,” Channon said, already messaging.
may I have dinner w mr scott pls Sir?
“Is it Jack who likes that, or you?” Nate asked. “The way you always ask him for permission for things.” He sounded vaguely curious, not interrogatory or judgmental, so Channon felt comfortable being honest.
“Both. He likes being asked permission, and I like, um. I don’t know. Being sure I’m not doing something wrong.”
Nate looked thoughtful. “Huh. I can see the appeal. Ewan would absolutely hate that,” he added, smiling sharply. “He’d go nuts.”
“You like making him nuts,” Channon pointed out.
Nate grinned. “I really, really do.”
Channon’s phone vibrated. You may. Take a cheat day. Have fun, sweetheart.