Page 21 of His Boy Next Door
“Hey, sweetheart. How was dinner?”
Channon closed his eyes, picturing Jack on the other end of the call. In his mind, Jack was relaxed, leaning back in his office chair in his softest, oldest jeans and a comfortable T-shirt. Barefoot, his long, clean toes splayed against the rug. Channon could kneel down and kiss them, lick them if that was what Jack wanted.
“Good, Sir,” Channon said. “We got Tex-Mex.”
“Ah, excellent. And did Nate take care of you?”
Channon bit his lip. “Yeah. He was nice. How was Ewan?” he asked with some trepidation.
“We got along okay.” To Channon’s surprise, Jack didn’t sound even a little frustrated. His heart rate spiked. Had Jack worked out his frustrations on Ewan with a belt?
He rubbed a hand over his chest. “Did you play with him?” He tried to sound light, but in his own ears his voice seemed wobbly.
“I…” Jack hesitated, and then he laughed softly. “You know, I think maybe I did. Not anything serious, but I did make him sit down and tell me what was wrong, and then I got him to fantasize some terrible revenge on his ex. I think he found some catharsis.”
This didn’t seem much like play to Channon, who said as much aloud.
“Maybe not, but there was an element of dominance about it. I fed him, as well.”
Channon hummed, trying not to sound concerned. “Like, from your hand?”
“No,” Jack chuckled. “At the table, like a big boy.” His voice turned soft. “Were you worried about that, sweetheart?”
Channon breathed out, his anxiety draining and leaving him feeling ridiculous. “Kind of. Not really, just…I’d like it if you two were, you know. If you didn’t…I mean…”
“You want us to get along.”
“Yes,” Channon agreed, “but more than that. I know Nate’s your best friend, and Ewan’s my best friend. And…you know sometimes, I…I mean, I liked it when you and Nate played with us. Both of us.” He’d watched Jack flog Ewan then, and it hadn’t made him feel weird. So why did the idea of it happening when he wasn’t there feel so…so awkward?
Channon breathed out, trying to navigate the weird feeling in his chest. Didn’t he want Jack and Ewan to get along? Maybe even play together? Wouldn’t that be better than having them at odds with one another?
And he did. He just…didn’t want Jack to want Ewan more than him. He didn’t want to lose his Sir.
As soon as he put the feeling into words, Channon felt silly. Of course Jack wouldn’t want Ewan more than him. Ewan was a brat. Jack didn’t want that, not in the slightest. So there was no way. Even if Jack and Ewan did play, even if Jack did work Ewan over with a belt, it wouldn’t mean anything. It wouldn’t be like it was between them. Nothing in the world was like that. Channon belonged to Jack, and Jack wanted him.
Jack wasn’t going to suddenly get bored of him and leave.
He’s not my dad.
And because Jack wasn’t his dad, Channon knew he could say this without being afraid of making Jack angry.
“I don’t want you to want another sub more than me,” he said out loud.
He heard Jack’s intake of breath. “Sweetheart,” Jack said firmly, “that’s not going to happen. I’m your Sir. No one else gets to be that for you, and no one else gets to be my boy. Do you believe me?”
“Yes, Sir,” Channon sighed. He squirmed down in the bed until his head slid off the pillow onto the mattress and his face was half submerged in covers. “You chose me. I’m the one you’re going to marry. I know.”
“Then what’s going on?”
“When we’re married, you said nothing had to change. And I just…I think we should keep Nate and Ewan. Because they’re sort of part of us. Like, I don’t like the idea of them not ever coming over to do kinky stuff again.” He wet his lip. “And I don’t mind if you do things with Ewan. If, you know. He doesn’t mind.”
The silence on the phone was long enough for Channon to wonder if the call had dropped out, but then Jack said in a low tone, “I don’t think Ewan or I want that. But, sweetheart, do you really think you wouldn’t mind?”
Channon swallowed. “Yeah?”
“Because I think you really would,” Jack said gently. “I think you’d mind a lot. And there’s no way in the world I’m going to risk that, just for a chance to play with someone who, up until recently, couldn’t stand the sight of me.”
Channon rubbed his chest again where it ached. “Until recently?”