Page 4 of His Boy Next Door
“No,” Channon lied.
“Don’t pretend. You’re gonna write about it in your kinky fantasy journal, aye? Show your old man what you want him to do to you?”
Channon should never have told Ewan about the fantasy journal. He opened his mouth to protest, but then…then he wondered why it mattered. Ewan was just as kinky as he was—kinkier, even. He didn’t care what Channon did with Jack, so long as it was safe, sane, and consensual. Ewan just liked to tease.
And Channon…kind of liked being teased.
He blinked, startled by the realization. Ewan was taunting him the way he always did. It was a mild form of humiliation, really, and Channon found to his surprise that knowing this did not make him hate it.
Ewan was paying attention to him, needling him like usual, and it was in a way quite flattering to be the focus of Ewan’s attention. Ewan was his best friend, and a friend that came with benefits. Some of those benefits were kinky.
Was this kinky too?
Sometimes, Channon felt like Ewan and Nate were almost an extension of him and Jack, a sort of added bonus to their relationship. They had played together before, and the way they ended hanging out in a group at events like this felt like they were their own private club. Channon had overheard someone at a play party joke that the four of them were an item, and while Jack had laughed it off at the time, Channon wasn’t sure, really, how far that was from the truth.
Now Channon looked at Ewan, unsure what to say, and settled on honesty. “Okay, so sure, the thought of doing it is hot. Like you don’t think it’s hot too.”
Ewan grinned like he’d won. “Never said it wasn’t.”
Oh. So Ewan liked predicament bondage? An image flashed into Channon’s mind, overwriting the previous predica-gif. Something like what had happened on stage, but instead of the man it was Channon. And instead of the woman…
The thought of Ewan crying out like she had was so intense that Channon had to force it away before Ewan saw it all over his face. He stuck out his lip in a mock pout. “Be nice to me,” he said, pretending to be stern about it. “I’m gonna spend two whole days alone with Nate in Dallas. Who knows what’ll happen?”
This caught Ewan for a moment, but then he grinned. “Your Sir, for one. You won’t do anything with Nate he doesn’t tell you.”
“You know the kinds of things he orders me to do,” Channon countered, lifting his eyebrows to invite Ewan to speculate.
Jack did order Channon to do a lot of things, and on more than one occasion he’d ordered Channon to submit to Nate, or at the very least be fucked by him. Ewan had seen it once when all four of them had played together. Ewan had seen Channon on his knees with Nate’s dick in his mouth. Ewan had said he didn’t mind, but it was one thing when Ewan was there and another thing when he wasn’t. Channon wasn’t sure where Ewan stood on it now.
Ewan seemed unconcerned by the possibility of this, however. “Oh, aye, your Sir can order you to do whatever he wants, and you’ll do it, I’m sure. But my Sir does what I tell him to, and—”
He yelped as the hand in his hair tugged hard. “Sorry, what was that?” Nate said in a sweetly dangerous tone. “Did I just hear you talking shit about me?”
Ewan came up on his knees, trying to get some slack in the grip Nate had on his hair. “Ah! No, I just—”
“Because it really sounded like you were talking shit about me,” Nate said in that same, dangerous tone. “And if you’re talking shit about me, I think that deserves a demerit.”
Ewan twisted toward him, wincing painfully. “No! I weren’t, I promise!”
“So what did you say?” Nate demanded.
Ewan looked caught. “I said…my sir does what I tell him to—but!” he added quickly as Nate’s grip tightened. “I meant you don’t…you won’t…you won’t fuck other people without making sure I’m okay with it first.”
Nate’s expression was mixed. He seemed to find this amusing, anyway. “Oh, is that what you meant? I see. Well, that’s true. Carry on,” and he shoved Ewan back onto the floor, harder than Channon would have liked himself.
Ewan tossed a scowl in Nate’s direction and rubbed his scalp. “Anyway. See?”
If Channon had ever been chastised like that by Jack, he’d not have been able to shrug it off so easily. Especially in public. The idea was mortifying. But when he looked up, he saw Jack smiling at him faintly. Jack’s thumb rubbed up under Channon’s ear, and Channon knew he, at least, wasn’t in trouble.
“I don’t care if you play with him,” Ewan went on, unfazed. “Like…I know you can’t take what he hands out like I can. So I know you’re not gonna get flogged the way he flogs me.” He blinked at Channon, suddenly looking a little shy. “I don’t mind if you, you know, need to kneel at his feet and get told you’ve been a good boy.”
Channon was startled. Ewan was…offering him Nate? He didn’t know if he even wanted that.
“Anyway, shouldn’t you be more worried about me and your old man?” Ewan flashed him a wicked grin, all teeth and sass. “Reckon I could get your mister raging.”
For a moment Channon thought Ewan meant in bed. His brain rejected the thought like it was spitting out something bitter. But then he thought about it. Nate had said Jack would have to take care of Ewan. And Ewan was…Ewan. A brat. Someone who liked to push a Dom’s buttons to get a reaction.
With Channon, Jack’s patience seemed endless. No matter what, so long as Channon tried as hard as he could, and Jack could see it, he wouldn’t ever be angry with Channon. He wouldn’t punish him unfairly (unless the whole point of what they were doing was that it was unfair) and he never, ever lost his temper.