Page 39 of Tainted Obsession
“Massimo,” a woman greeted warmly, “it’s so good to see you. And your lovely guest.”
My attention snapped from him to the stunning brunette who was striding toward us, the crowd of men parting for her. They either respected or feared this woman, judging by the way none of them looked directly at her as she passed them by. She had a regal bearing about her, and I imagined she’d look quite natural wearing a crown.
Her caramel eyes assessed me, memorizing my face before dipping to the mark on my shoulder. Her mouth pinched in a small frown, and her eyes went cold when she turned them back on Massimo.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” she asked pointedly.
Massimo’s hand flexed against my back, but he offered her a smile that was dazzling enough to knock the air from my chest. “It’s wonderful to see you too, Carmen. Thank you for inviting us.”
She did not appear charmed. A single dark brow arched, expectant.
“This is Evelyn,” he introduced me. It seemed he didn’t have a choice. Whoever Carmen was, she held power here, and Massimo was her guest.
“Evelyn,” she repeated, my name heavy with condemnation. She eyed the mark on my neck again, and I barely resisted the urge to sweep my hair over my shoulder to cover it.
“It’s good to meet you,” she told me, her voice a touch warmer. Moving with smooth grace, she looped her arm through mine as though we were best friends. “Let me get you a drink. We have an excellent selection of mezcal.”
She tugged me away from Massimo, but he simply followed, as though his hand was attached to my back by a magnet.
“Not you, Massimo.” She waved him away, flicking her fingers in an imperious gesture. “Stefano is eager to talk to you. Evelyn and I can get to know one another while you two catch up.”
“I’m sure you’ll want to be present for that,” Massimo protested smoothly. “We can all have a drink together.”
Carmen let out a melodic laugh that grated down my spine; there was no real humor in that laugh, only warning that her patience was wearing thin. “We’ll join you soon enough. Please go entertain Stefano before he gets too bored. You don’t know how difficult he can be when he’s bored.” She made a pained expression, dramatically put-upon. “It’s past time for the party to get started, and he’s been waiting for you.”
My stomach flipped. I didn’t want to be separated from my dark protector. I edged closer to him, and Carmen’s keen eyes caught the small shift. The smile she offered me was kind, genuine.
“I just want to talk,” she assured me. “No one here will harm you.” She said it as though it was a guarantee, something within her power to promise.
Who was this woman? She obviously knew Massimo, and she’d mentioned Stefano Duarte twice. She had to be associated with the cartel, but she was looking at me with soft concern.
My heart skipped a beat. This might be my opportunity to escape. Carmen clearly held sway here. If I got her on my side, she might let me leave. No one would have to get hurt, and I would be free to return to America, away from cartel violence.
“Okay,” I agreed, stepping away from Massimo to join Carmen. His fingers brushed my back as I broke contact, as though he didn’t want to let me go. “Let’s talk.”
“Carmen—” Massimo began, her name a low growl.
“Stefano is waiting.” She cut him off breezily and steered me away from him, guiding me to a quieter corner where we could have a private conversation.
I glanced back at Massimo and found him scowling at Carmen. Another man stepped in front of him, creating a barrier between us with his body. Massimo was broader and taller, but he didn’t toss the man out of his way to get to me. Instead, that dazzling smile slid back into place, and his focus shifted to address the slightly smaller man.
“Don’t worry about Massimo,” Carmen patted my hand in comfort before she extricated her arm from mine. She settled herself in a plush red leather armchair, making it appear like her own personal throne. Despite her powerful aura and regal poise, her sharply beautiful features softened when she looked at me.
“You’re Evelyn Day,” she said. It wasn’t a question.
My mouth went dry. “How do you know my name?”
She pursed her lips, but her distaste didn’t seem to be directed at me. “I make it my business to familiarize myself with my enemies and the people close to them. You’re George Crawford’s fiancée, aren’t you?”
I swallowed hard. Maybe I’d made a terrible mistake in thinking that Carmen would be on my side.
“I didn’t know anything about his involvement with Los Zetas,” I said quickly. Even now, admitting to the fact that George was corrupt sent pain knifing through my heart, but I ignored the discomfort. I had to keep my wits about me if I was going to navigate this situation.
“I believe you,” she replied, placating. “My concern now isn’t with Crawford; it’s with Massimo.” She glanced pointedly at the bite mark. “Is he mistreating you?” Her eyes stared at something I couldn’t see, and all the warmth drained out of them. “I will not stand by and do nothing if there’s an abusive man in my home.”
Her home? She lived here, with Stefano. She was definitely associated with the cartel, even if she was currently concerned for my wellbeing.
When I didn’t answer right away, her eyes narrowed, her gaze spearing him like daggers flung across the room.