Page 46 of Heather's Truth
Which meant Lester had identified Terry as a problem and thanks to Dale’s error, Lester’s crew knew Heather was the inside source. The intruder had fixated on her in a way that filled Dale with dread.
Christ, what a mess.
Behind him, he heard Heather’s breath catch when he opened his documents folder. Any reassurance he could give her would have to wait until they were alone and absolutely secure.
“Why don’t you just let me take it in and have the lab look it over,” Bingham offered, leaning back and removing his reading glasses.
Dale hesitated, not wanting to seem too eager or too trusting. “Surely that can wait until I’m back in the office on Monday?”
“But if we’re working on it, you can relax.” Bingham rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “After this mess, why not just take Monday off too?”
“I could—”
“You have plenty of vacation time built up.” Bingham winked at Heather. “He used to work twenty-four-seven. I suppose his best days are behind him now.”
“I’m not so sure.” On his screen, Dale saw the reflection of Heather’s polite smile. The one she reserved for people who annoyed her when she had to soldier through the moment. “He’s so dedicated when he’s on a case,” she glanced down, “or on a date.”
That earned a warm laugh from Bingham. “You’ve got a keeper this time around, Nichols.”
Dale winced. Of all the things to mention in front of Heather, that was the worst. She’d likely hang on to that bit of information like a terrier with a boot. Knowing his favorite ice cream would never be enough for her now.
“Did I say the wrong thing?”
Dale gave Bingham credit for being a first-rate ass. He opened his mouth, but Heather’s voice came out.
“Not at all, Agent Bingham,” she said, with a soft, feminine laugh. “We haven’t been together long, but we’ve covered all of the most important details.” Dale felt her hands on his shoulders, and if his boss wasn’t a suspect, he might have let himself savor the caress.
“Over an ice cream sundae,” he added, earning another soft laugh.
“That’s an indicator of a strong, healthy relationship,” Bingham observed.
Dale nodded. “I agree. Her strength is one of the many reasons I love her.” Might as well fire back a warning shot and make it clear further attempts on Heather would not be tolerated. “You know what?” Carefully, he pushed his chair back from the desk. “Take the computer.” He closed the laptop. “I’ll make a few calls and let the identity protection plan earn its keep. Let’s go find a place to celebrate, sweetheart.”
“Sounds good to me,” she replied, her smile lighting up her face and chasing away the dark circles under her eyes.
Dale handed the laptop to Bingham. “Tell the techs I appreciate any and all assistance with this.” He couldn’t wait to see what happened when Bingham discovered the files Heather had sent. Dale had modified them of course, but it wouldn’t take an expert long to figure that out.
“Here’s hoping it was just a fluke home invasion,” Bingham offered.
“As I said, there wasn’t anything work-related here anyway.” His off-the-record case was going to stay that way. Especially after this visit. Hard as it was to accept, it seemed increasingly likely his boss was involved in this mess.
He shouldn’t rush it, but he couldn’t stand to breathe the same air as Bingham for a moment longer. Leading Heather back to the bedroom, Dale grabbed his overnighter from the closet and packed within minutes. He resisted the urge to throw in some tactical gear, but he could get his hands on that later. Old habits died hard and Dale had learned backup protocols were required for more than just computers.
“We’re just leaving them in your house?” Heather asked when they were safely in the car again and halfway down the block.
“It’s the best option.”
Clearly, she wasn’t convinced. “What now?”
“Let’s get out of the city so we can check to see if we’re being tailed. This time of year there are loads of cheap hotel deals to be had in Myrtle Beach. And more than one deserted route in case they did put a tracker on the car.”
“Why would your boss have you followed?”
“Probably for the same reason he had someone break into my house?”
“Good grief. You think your boss is involved. That’s why there’s no cavalry.” She drummed her palms against her thighs. “And you just handed him your computer. I saw the files I sent you.”
“Thanks for not reacting to that. Believe me, there’s nothing on that laptop that reveals our real plans.”