Page 55 of Catch and Release
Willa chuckled.
“Okay, fine,” she said, taking another sip of her coffee. “He acted like he was just going to drive me home, but then…”
Her cheeks heated.
“Don’t leave us hanging!” Amanda nearly shrieked.
“I basically begged him to give me an orgasm. Which he did. Thoroughly. With his fingers, right in the parking lot.”
Layla’s jaw dropped, and Amanda smirked.
“And then…”
“There’s more?” Amanda asked excitedly.
“Well, after that, we started heading back, but I noticed he was still hard as a rock. You know? So, I…” Willa covered her face with her spare hand, peeking through her fingers with one eye. “I gave him road head.”
“Holy fuck,” Amanda said, applauding. “I wouldn’t’ve guessed you had it in you, but damn. I’m impressed.”
“Me too,” Layla said quietly.
Willa bit her lip. “And then?—”
“There’s more?” Amanda asked again.
“This part’s G-rated,” Willa amended. “But I fell asleep on the car ride home. And he carried me inside. Took off my shoes, put me in bed, the whole nine.”
“That boy’s a goner,” Amanda said.
“That’s the problem!” Willa responded. “I can’t do serious right now. I just… I can’t. I’m not over what happened with my ex. And I feel like… maybe I pushed too far. And now we have to have the ‘what is this’ talk, and I don’t want to deal with it.”
Layla grimaced in sympathy.
“Look,” Amanda interjected, “don’t overthink this. He already knows what you want. You’ve made it clear. If he caught feelings, that’s on him. Just tell him you had fun last night and want to keep doing it casually, but if he hasn’t changed his mind, you can just stay friends and pretend like it never happened.”
“I don’t know if I can pretend it never happened,” Willa said. “I mean, we’re neighbors. I see him every day.”
“Yeah, that would be hard,” Layla said.
“So then are you willing to lose the friendship over this?” Amanda asked.
“No,” Willa said too quickly. “Definitely not.”
“Well, then I think your options are limited, babe.”
Willa sighed and headed into the lobby, her friends trailing after her. She knew Amanda was right, and she had to talk to Shawn one way or another. She just dreaded rehashing the same conversation they already had, and she harbored a ferocious guilt for everything they did last night when she knew he was only looking for something serious.
At least she had a yoga session and her whole drive home to try and find some zen and figure out what to say to him.
Shawn woke up early that morning and checked on the bait shop. Saturdays were his busiest days, and he always liked to make sure everything was fully stocked and organized for the weekend. Plus, he liked to be there before his employees arrived for the day to make sure they had everything they needed.
He had a chartered fishing trip he was taking a tourist group on later, so he brought a few insulated buckets of shrimp home with him after squaring everything away at the shop. When he got back, Grams was busying herself in the kitchen making breakfast.
“Got any extra for me?” Shawn asked.
“Course, Scooby,” Grams responded. “Sausage, bacon, eggs, the works. Help yourself.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Scooping generous helpings onto his plate, he sat at the kitchen table as she joined him.