Page 79 of Catch and Release
Finally, time to talk shop and get this over with. “Yes, they’re going very well. Layla has been helping me market my classes and spread the word to guests. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a lot of them stay after class and have drinks here.”
Blake nodded. “There is one problem, though.”
Willa quirked a brow. “What’s that?”
“That boyfriend of yours probably shouldn’t be coming to your yoga classes.”
“Why’s that?”
“It’s just unprofessional.”
Willa frowned. “That makes no sense. How is it any different than if one of Amanda’s friends or family members came to the bar for a drink?”
Right on cue, Amanda set a glass of water in front of Willa and locked eyes with her for a brief moment before retreating.
“It’s different because they’re paying customers, and your boyfriend, Shane, isn’t.”
“His name is Shawn.”
“Well, the point stands.”
Willa felt her body vibrate with rage. “So if he comes to the bar after, would that be fine? What if he pays a fee to participate?”
She was digging her heels in for no reason and she knew it. Willa doubted Shawn would come back to one of her classes, and even if he did, would Blake ever find out?
“Look, I didn’t want to have to go here, but it’s more than just that other people are paying customers,” Blake said, setting his wine down and locking eye contact with Willa. “He seemed a little rough around the edges. Out of place. You know?”
“Rough around the edges?”
“Just not the kind of guy our guests would appreciate having around here.”
Willa opened her mouth to respond and shut it. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“He doesn’t really seem like your type, either,” Blake said. “Not sure what you’re doing with him, anyway. Is he really your boyfriend?”
This meeting had gotten way out of control, but Willa couldn’t seem to regain her ability to speak. She was utterly confused and frustrated, but more than anything, she was fucking furious. How dare he talk about Shawn that way? How dare he make assumptions about Willa? And how dare he talk to her about something personal when they barely knew each other and this was supposed to be a business meeting?
Blake reached across the table and grabbed her hand, which had been resting on the table near her glass of water.
“If it’s company you’re after, I’d be happy to oblige,” he shot her another cheeky grin, and she felt dirty. “I’m sure I could make it worth your while. I’d even be willing to look the other way if you brought him to another one of your yoga classes.”
She tugged her hand out of his grasp.
“What are you suggesting?” she asked through clenched teeth.
“I’m suggesting that you ditch the long-haired caveman and let me take you out instead,” he whispered seductively. “And if you’re a good girl, maybe we can even?—”
She grabbed the glass of water on the table and emptied it over his head. He sputtered and his eyes turned black with anger.
“You little bit?—”
“Shut the fuck up and listen carefully, you disgusting creep,” Willa said, getting closer to him and setting the glass back down on the table. “Even if I wasn’t with Shawn, I would never go on a date with you. You know why? Because you’re the kind of guy women have nightmares about. You overcompensate for what I’m assuming is a tiny dick with your fancy suits and perfectly manicured hair. I doubt you even know where the clitoris is, you walking pile of human garbage. You think women want you, but you know the truth? You have to fucking blackmail them into sleeping with you.”
“Get out of here, you fucking cu?—”
“Gladly. But first, you should know that I’m done teaching yoga here.”
“You’re fired.”