Page 60 of The Horned King
"Is that what fucking I said?" I finally snap, weeks of this shit weighing on me until I'm ready to kill someone.
I really thought Kairon was exaggerating when he said this would take forever. We argued over whether Fastid's flag looked phallic or not for three fucking hours yesterday. When I say we, I mean Colm and Tirriel, mostly, with the Eyes adding commentary just to inflame them further.
The only positive aspect of it all has been how many times Kairon has stood up for me and supported my ideas, even adding to them to make them better without making me feel foolish. Not once has he badmouthed my thoughts, often reprimanding Farhan and Tirriel for doing so.
Even during our private breakfasts, he's made several comments about my ideas and how I could present them in a way that the others will listen. It's not about whether the idea is good, which it is, as he told me yesterday. It's about knowing who you're selling it to, and you're selling it to two assholes who think they know better than anyone else. So let them think it's their idea.
"Maybe we should revisit this topic later once Elva has calmed down a bit," Colm shrugs.
My attempt at being charming and demure for him has been in vain. He's such a colossal, disgusting ass that a woman opening her mouth at all is too much for him.
King Kairon barks, "Just shut the fuck up for a second, Colm. Elva's suggesting giving private citizens the right to have registration travel papers, right? Just like we already do for our own royal traders?"
Kairon gestures both hands towards me like he's showcasing me, and my chest fills with pride that he's supporting me so brazenly. "See? Easy. In order to get these papers, they'll need to prove why they are traveling, how long they'll be there, and where they're from. It is beneficial to all of us."
"And if I don't want uptight, prudish, self-righteous Rhymans in my country?" Tirriel asks, looking pointedly at me. Prudish? He's been trying to fuck me, complimenting me, and showering me with attention since he arrived, and now that he knows for certain that he won't get to, he's resorting to calling me names.
"Then they're better off. Who wants to travel to a country where the crown prince will try relentlessly to stick his dick inside anything with legs? Well, I guess even legs are optional," Maren finally comments, glancing at her nails. She's remained out of the arguing for the most part, but for some reason, she does not like the prince at all.
His face turns bright red, and he speaks through clenched teeth. "I told you that in confidence. I had been drinking the Fae wine. It doesn't count."
"Which time?" Ovoor asks. "If I recall correctly, which I always do, you've had her several times."
"What manner of creature was it?" I can't help but ask.
Maren beams, leaning in to stage whisper so the entire table hears. "Tirriel was on holiday in Suva and bedded one of our lesser-known fair folk, the Naga. Gorgeous, powerful, and similar to the Syrens, except their tails are those of snakes, not fish. He's since made it a regular trip just to see her."
My jaw drops, disagreement forgotten entirely. "How?" I ask him.
"Are we really here to get into the logistics of how one would sleep with a monster?" Colm scoffs.
"Watch who you call a monster, Colm," Olath comments from her seat between her sisters. "One might say mortals are the most monstrous of us all."
"Naga have intercourse just like Syrens, not all that different from the humans, just with scales hiding their most sacred parts, rather than it being between two legs," Maren explains. "They feel desire and pleasure the same as anyone else, and from what I've heard, they can be very creative with their tails."
"No," I gasp, smiling, enjoying just a moment of this friendship I've found with Maren. She reminds me of Alya a bit, talking about strange and wild things without an ounce of shame. "Really?"
"Oh, yes." She grins back. "Very creative. They can— well, you'll have to ask Tirriel. He knows all about it."
"Maren," Kairon warns. "Please. You can gossip about Tirriel's countless sexual escapades in private, like the rest of us." But even he can't hide the smile in his voice at how red she's made the crown prince.
"Alright, alright," she relents. "I'm just saying, Tirriel, there's no need to be embarrassed about it. Everyone has their proclivities."
Tirriel stands, slamming both hands on the table. "I've had enough of this flying horse shit for one day." He storms off, shoving the doors open and disappearing into the hallway.
Raya pops up next to me. "Ha. Pay up. I knew today would end early."
I grab a few of the coins I brought with me to her. I really hoped today would be the day things go smoothly. That maybe everyone hashed out what they needed yesterday or the day before. Or the day before.
"Are you taking bets on whether or not we reach any agreements, Raya?" Maren teases. "And you left me out?"
Raya grins, and I almost think she might blush at the Fae Queen's attention. But before she can, the king orders her to return to her station. The way he speaks to her when others are around vs. when they're not is baffling. He commands her like she's nothing, yet when no one is watching, he just gives her the freedom to do and say basically whatever she likes.
I guess I understand the need for it and how it protects her from anyone thinking they're as close as they are.
"Elva," Kairon commands. "There's something you and I need to discuss since this mess of a day is over so soon. Follow me."