Page 19 of Wings of Mercy
The angel laughed and patted Veronica on the back. “You’re welcome. Does anyone else need my services?”
“Angela might,” Kit said, her expression growing fearful.
Jessa addressed the other angels and reapers, “Go on ahead of us. They’ll provide their statements in good time. I’ll make sure of it.”
With a quick wave of her hand, Kit swept the glass sprinkled around the door away. As the agents left, she led us through the still-intact wooden door, into the main house, and to the second floor.
As we headed down the hallway Ivan and Veronica had searched, I drew my eyebrows together in confusion when she slowed and stopped at a blank space on the wall. I glanced up and down the hallway, counting doors. There should have been one here.
“I knew it,” Veronica muttered.
Kit drew a rectangular frame on the wall with her finger while chanting a few words. The line she drew glowed green, and the paint rippled, revealing a hidden door. Her movements grew more urgent as she turned the knob and pushed open the door, and we followed her inside.
The room was the same size as the others we searched, large enough to work as a roomy bedroom. Instead of a bed, a long glass box sat on a table.
I thought Octavia had shown her evil side by controlling Kit and forcing her to attack us, but this was something else altogether. Because it wasn’t just a box—it was a coffin, and Angela slept peacefully within.
My lungs constricted, but it wasn’t only from seeing Angela like this. If Kit, a powerful witch, hadn’t stopped Octavia, then I could never keep Veronica safe. I wasn’t even close to being strong enough.
As difficult as it would be to say goodbye, I might not have a choice, not if I wanted her safe from harm. I knew she was my soulmate, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t find love again.
The mere thought of letting her go threatened to consume me with grief and agony until I pushed it away, not wanting Veronica to realize the tumultuous emotions bleeding through our bond was from more than seeing Angela like this. Not until I had time to process my thoughts and what they truly meant.
“How long has she been in there?” Veronica asked, her violet eyes opening wide. Her shock and horror radiated through our soul link.
Kit unlatched the coffin. “Two days. Octavia used her to control me in the beginning until her magic dug its claws in too deep to escape.”
The lid clicked open with a hiss, and cold wisps licked the warmer air of the room before dissipating.
“Was she cryogenically frozen?” I asked.
“Sort of, but with magic,” Kit explained. “It’s slowly draining her life force.”
Angela’s eyes remained closed, her white face relaxed in a peaceful sleep.
Panic shot through our soul link, and Veronica gripped my arm. “She’s not waking up.”
Kit leaned over the coffin’s edge and placed a soft kiss on Angela’s lips.
Letting go of Thane’s arm, I crept closer to Kit. I didn’t want to spoil the moment, but I also wanted to be within reach if Angela didn’t wake up. Kit would go ballistic, and while I wouldn’t blame her, I also didn’t want to lose my best friend.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to worry.
As Kit leaned back, Angela let out a soft sigh. Her long, dark eyelashes fluttered as she opened her brown eyes and focused on Kit. She smiled. “Oh, hello.”
A quiet sob tore from my best friend’s throat. “Hi.” Although not much taller than her pint-sized fiancée, Kit reached into the coffin and lifted her as easily as a baby. She set Angela’s feet on the ground but still held her close.
Angela’s black leggings and tunic-length shirt showed no signs of long-term wear other than a few wrinkles. She didn’t even smell bad.
Jessa closed in to look her over.
“We’ll call you Snow White from now on,” I said, smiling.
While Angela gave a shaky laugh, Kit brushed her fiancée’s curly brown hair away from her face and stroked her cheek. “I didn’t have to kiss her to break the spell. I just wanted to.”