Page 34 of Wings of Mercy
“Too late!” Lena hollered back. “Fass is a thing now!”
Angela stalked toward us with a murderous look, made even scarier as she dried a large frying pan with a dishtowel. I knew firsthand how much damage a frying pan could inflict in the right hands. Angela might be tiny, but she had some serious steam to vent.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” she snapped. “If the unseelie find out, you’ll have another war on your hands or an apocalyptic-level crisis.”
That was exactly where my imagination went, too, but her level of knowledge about the fae impressed me. She’d been doing some studying since meeting Kit and discovering the Community.
“What are the unseelie?” Lena asked with a raised eyebrow.
Angela shuddered. “Creatures of nightmares.”
Lena smirked, resting her hand on a knife’s hilt. “Faced nightmares before, and I’ll face ‘em again. Nothing I can’t handle.”
No longer rubbing the dish, Angela’s eyes glazed over. “There’s a reason they’re contained in the Otherworld.”
“Because humans are weak,” Lena said, then grimaced. “No offense. You’re special.”
“You’re absolutely right about us humans.” Angela threw the dishtowel over her shoulder and pointed the frying pan at Lena. “But from what I’ve read, some of the worst unseelie snuck through a century ago, and it took several DEA branches banding together to fight them off.”
Lena rolled her eyes. “No offense to the DEA either, but they follow moral codes some of us don’t have to deal with.”
“Are you going to guard the opening day and night?” Kit asked, amusement flickering across her face as she leaned back in her chair.
“Not me specifically.” Lena leaned on my shoulder. “I’ve got duties. But I’m sure we can figure out a guard rotation.”
Heading back to the kitchen, Angela shook her head. “You better discuss this with Adam first. I doubt he’ll be up for it.”
She was definitely right. Adam wasn’t a risk-taker, and the few times he was, it was after persistent heckling. Usually from me.
“If our only option is creating a permanent hole, then we’ll figure out how to keep this world safe.” I pulled out my phone and dialed Thane on speaker. “For now, let’s fill them in on everything and see what they say.”
My heart skipped a beat when my mate answered, as it usually did when I heard his voice after any time apart. Lena and I explained what we’d discussed with Joe before bringing up the backup plan.
“Worst-case scenario, Kit can punch a hole through the veil,” I said and crossed my fingers, hoping they’d agree.
“I hope I do not need to stress the importance of not doing that without every other option considered first.” I could practically taste Adam’s panic through the phone. “Such an act is irreversible.”
Lena snickered.
“Like I said, worst case,” I said with a restrained sigh.
“Should we find the queen is implicit in this betrayal, we will consider such an option,” he added. “We would want to prepare for an unseelie attack at any moment, with our combined forces in place.”
Lena and I gave each other a silent high-five. I understood the risk and danger involved with a permanent portal, but I also really wanted to show Colin he messed with the wrong woman.
He thought he could keep me out by closing portals?
Boom. Think again.
“Good news,” Thane said, his deep voice sending delightful shivers down my spine. He had such a hold over me and I loved it. “Or maybe bad news for you. We’ve located two mages within the US who can open and sustain portals for some time. Reapers will teleport them in later today to verify.”
“Why would that be bad news?” I asked.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t want to punch a hole through the veil.”
I let out a surprised laugh. “You caught me.”
“Ms. Neill…” Adam’s voice warned in the background.