Page 53 of Wings of Mercy
We could do amazing things together, bring Colin to his knees or topple whole civilizations. Wielding this weapon was what I was born to do.
Nothing else in this world mattered but the sword.
It was mine.
“There is only one here strong enough to withstand the blade’s seduction.” Adam’s words filtered through the outer edges of my thoughts, but I barely registered them.
My fingers itched, ready to seize the hilt and claim what was mine. This was it, my moment. With this sword, I would rule not just Mirfeniksa but the entire world. With Thane at my side, we would be unstoppable, and no one would hurt our loved ones or us ever again.
I reached out and—
Wait, what?
I blinked, suddenly aware of what I was doing and how close my fingers were to brushing against the sword. My face burned, and I snapped my hand back.
I glanced at Thane beside me. He hadn’t moved like I had, but sweat glistened across his forehead. The others around the table leaned back with sheepish looks and pink-tinged cheeks that likely matched mine.
Everyone except Angela, whose face had drained of color as she stared at the archangel. “Me?” her voice squeaked out.
Adam nodded. “The sword is an anomaly, a mixture of all that is good in this world, as well as the evil. Of everyone here, you are the least likely to submit to its seductive song. As you just witnessed, several almost gave in to its allure without the slightest touch.”
I blushed again, but I knew I was in good company.
“But what about you? You’re an angel,” Angela argued, recoiling farther into her chair as her wide-eyed gaze flicked to the sword. She gestured wildly at it. “I don’t know how to use that.”
“As unlikely as it may seem, that weapon’s dark magic can sway even angels.” His blue-eyed gaze shifted to it for only a fraction of a second. “The weapon will form to whatever shape you wish it to be. I hear you have gotten quite talented with the staff?”
Kit took her fiancée’s trembling hand, a proud look on her face. “He’s right. Your heart is pure, especially compared to the rest of us.”
“Speak for yourself,” Lena grumbled, rubbing the hilt of her sword. Her hungry gaze remained on the Last Hope.
I rolled my eyes. “Just because you served us breakfast doesn’t make you a saint.”
“Is that your way of saying thank you?” she asked.
“Only if you clean up, too.” I grinned when she finally tore her gaze away from the sword to glare at me.
Her chair scraped against the linoleum floor as she stood and grabbed my empty plate. “I’m holding you to it.”
She reached for my coffee cup, but I clutched it to my chest like a precious jewel. I needed every delicious drop.
As Lena made her way around the table collecting trash, Angela gulped and suddenly found the floor fascinating. “What if you’re wrong? What if I’m not strong enough?”
“I mean no offense by what I’m about to say,” Kit said, turning Angela’s chin to look at her, “but as a human, you’re the least powerful. Should you succumb to the blade’s darkness, it would be far easier to stop you than someone like V.”
Oh hey, I was top of the list. I would have almost felt a sense of pride if it wasn’t such a bleak conversation.
“Or you,” Angela said quietly, biting her lip.
“There’s no way I could resist,” Kit agreed. “It’s hard enough to ignore my own magic’s temptation.”
Lena dumped the plates into the dish bin and returned to her seat. She looked at me expectantly.
“Thank you, Saint Lena,” I said with as much fake reverence as I could muster.
She shook her head and grumbled, and her gaze wandered back to the sword again.