Page 62 of Wings of Mercy
Before I had a chance to feign innocence, he removed a key fob from his pocket and pushed a button. A nearby black sedan’s trunk popped open, and two vampires scrambled over. From the trunk, one vamp lifted a birdcage, just large enough to hold two birds.
Correction, two falcons with red and orange under plumage.
My pulse thumped against my eardrums. Lena and Ivan screeched angrily and flapped their wings in protest. That they hadn’t shifted and burst through the cage meant it was iron or magic-resistant material.
How the fuck had bloodsuckers snuck up on and captured them?
“My insurance policy during our meeting,” Xavier said with a flourish of his hand. “Play nice, and I’ll hand them over unharmed.”
The second vampire by the car heaved a limp figure out of the trunk and laid him on the concrete. Iron chains secured cuffs attached to his wrists and ankles, and a bag covered his head.
“You may consider this one a gift.” Xavier sauntered over and removed the bag.
My breath left my body in a whoosh.
Jackson Reed.
The Master Vampire had captured the realm walker responsible for killing my brother. The man who had actually done the deed and one of the last dangling threads I needed to cut to get complete vengeance for Maddox’s death.
He laid there, unconscious, ready to die.
Talk about a gift.
I blinked at Xavier. “How? Why?”
“A motley crew of shifters owed me a favor,” he said with a sinister smile. “As for why, it pleases me to know you like my gift.”
Puzzle pieces snapped into place when I remembered that Rico’s rogue pack had met with a vampire. It couldn’t be a coincidence.
If Rico’s gang had helped capture Jackson Reed and proved loyal in the fight against Colin, then I would totally forgive them for ruining my Benz.
I took a step toward Jackson, but Xavier shook his head, sliding over with a graceful step to block my path. “Not so fast, little bird. I’d like something in return for my generosity.”
A falcon squawked its displeasure, startling the newer vampire holding the cage. Fangs extended as it hissed at the bird.
I should have known a gift would come with strings attached. “You said this was a gift.”
“Seeing that the man who killed your brother is a captive on his way to my torture chamber is the gift,” he explained. “Getting to touch him will require a bargain.”
Thane growled beside me, and his rising anger fused with mine.
Of course a gift would require something in return. How silly of me to think otherwise. I ground my teeth together. “What do you want?”
His brown eyes gleamed. “Immunity.”
That single word slammed into my gut like a hard punch. I hadn’t been the Master Vampire’s only target for his collection of rare Community members. Before me, he’d caged several others, torturing them until the DEA freed them or, more often, they died.
How could I even consider this kind of deal?
Because this was for my baby brother, to finally bring justice to Maddox’s murderer. It wasn’t enough to know he’d be in Xavier’s custody and tortured for the rest of his life. I clenched my hands into tight fists. Jackson needed to die for what he’d done.
Thane stepped closer to me, his warm presence and familiar bergamot scent wrapping around me. He probably sensed my indecision through our bond. That or my horrible poker face gave it away. “Veronica, no. You cannot make this deal.”
I met his deep blue gaze, sinking all my emotions into our soul link. The years of pain and grief, the fear and shame, even the bloodthirsty rage and desire for blood. All of it. For once, I didn’t hold back.
He winced at the onslaught of emotions but didn’t stop me. Instead, he cupped my face in his palms. “Maddox wouldn’t want you to do this.”