Page 86 of Wings of Mercy
I waited for Colin to meet my gaze. His blue-green eyes pleaded with me, but I had no mercy to give. “Like I’ve always said, I’m not a fucking hero.”
Then I let him go, and his screams faded away.
Unfortunately, my bliss at hearing Colin’s screams was short-lived. Nathan tucked his blue-tinged wings close to his body as he dove to catch the fae man who’d ruined my life and so many others’. The angel grabbed him by the ankle, and I sighed.
Well, I tried. At least Colin thought he was going to die.
I stood there, my chest heaving and my arm throbbing, afraid to turn around. I wasn’t ready to face the truth, to admit that I’d lost everything. My parents, my brother—
Oh, gods…
My legs buckled beneath me, and I collapsed. Glass dug through my pants and into my palms, but the only thing I felt was debilitating grief. I freed the violent sob I’d held back since our link vanished.
Behind me, a wild blast of heat and light nearly toppled Adam and me off the ledge after Nathan, and Angela screamed. The archangel spread his wings to keep his balance and shield me, his wide-eyed expression mirroring mine.
Raising my good arm against the settling debris, I stood and pushed past Adam’s feathers to find out what had just happened.
Dark smoke and ash choked the room, concealing almost everything within. A pinkish sparkle appeared through the drifting haze by the bed, revealing Jessa’s pearlescent wings curled around Angela. As the dust settled, the red-headed angel spread her wings and beat them against the air, clearing out some of the smoke.
Dried blood still covered Angela’s face, but the wound in her hairline had sealed shut under angelic care. Her eyes were opened wide, and she seemed more alert than when she’d turned Colin into a magical eunuch.
A thick layer of smoke and settling debris floated where Thane had fallen and obscured his form. My breath caught in my throat.
In my rush to kill Colin, had I missed a bomb he’d planted?
Had he destroyed Thane’s body as a final guarantee to keep us apart?
As my heart beat furiously, demanding to be free of my chest, I hurried over and fell to my knees beside Thane. I reached out to touch his body.
Except partway there, I froze, and everything went numb.
Thane blinked in confusion and sat up, unharmed and completely naked. Fresh as a newly hatched chick.
Afraid I was hallucinating, I ran my fingers over his unbroken skin, covered only by a layer of ash and dust. I didn’t understand what I was seeing.
“What just happened?” he asked, glancing down at his body.
“You just resurrected,” I whispered, hardly able to take a breath, “like a phoenix.”
His eyebrows drew together. “What? How?”
Shoes crunched over the glass, and I glanced up at Adam with wide eyes. “Did you do this?”
Slowly, the archangel shook his head, his expression incredulous.
A loud gasp rang out from where Angela and Jessa had been, but I was too stunned to differentiate who’d made the sound.
“You’ve done well, my daughter,” a woman said. Her pleasant voice chimed like a dozen tiny bells.
A figure emerged from a sudden blaze that blinded me with its intensity. The fire’s heat warmed my skin, then disappeared altogether.
I blinked away the spots in my vision and focused on the woman standing beside Adam, who had bowed his head.
Long, strawberry-blonde hair fell in gentle waves to the woman’s waist, and a simple white dress covered her body. A wreath of flowers adorned her head like a crown, and rainbow-hued eyes like Pietr’s, shifting colors as quickly as the ocean, regarded me.