Page 40 of Siren's Blood
“No one I’ve seen before,” I said, trying to recall the men’s faces. “Mike was involved at first, but I don’t think he knew what was going on.”
Frankie scrubbed a hand over her face and grumbled. “Them tryin’ to sell in here is the last thing I need right now. Keep your eyes and ears peeled, would you?”
“It means…” She sighed then chuckled. “Just let me know if you see or hear anythin’, kid.”
I nodded. That I could definitely do. “Need anything before I head out to grab a late lunch?”
After carefully setting the crystal into the desk’s top drawer, she detangled her glasses from her hair and faced the computer screen again. “Oh, I almost forgot. Someone’s here to see you.”
My heartbeat sped up as I glanced back at the gym. Except I didn’t see anyone looking for me. Definitely not someone I shouldn’t be hoping to see.
“It’s not the dragon, but I made the guy wait outside ’till you finished.” She hunted for a few keys on the keyboard and pecked at them. “Seemed too fancy to be in here.”
My curiosity was officially piqued, but so was my caution.
Did our father finally find us?
Pushing open the gym’s front door, I squinted against the sudden brightness. Painting all the windows black and growing up beneath the waves meant I was never prepared for the sun.
Other than a man in a sleek suit and dark sunglasses standing beside a long black limo, I didn’t see anyone looking for me. Whoever it was must have gotten tired of waiting.
As I moved to go back inside, the man beside the limo took a step forward and removed his sunglasses. “Ms. Johnson?”
Despite the day’s warmth, goosebumps rose along my arms. I took a longer look at the man. He wasn’t overly tall, but he had broad shoulders and big hands. Those bad boys could wrap around my neck easily.
I glanced up and down the street, only slightly reassured by the humans milling about. “Uh, yes?”
He reached inside his jacket pocket and withdrew a black envelope, which he handed to me.
Keeping one foot inside the gym, prepared to flee, I cracked open the envelope. The letter inside smelled like him. A fact I probably should not have known, but the red dragon wax seal had confirmed it anyway.
My eyes widened as I read over the invitation, then reread it two more times.
Was I still daydreaming? Were the bleach fumes making me hallucinate?
“Mr. Sato has provided his car for you this afternoon,” the man in the suit said formally.
I blinked at him, then at the limo. His car, huh? “That’s very generous, but Mr. Sato agreed to leave me alone after we…after his last visit.”
An uncomfortable prickling sensation rolled over my skin, and I rubbed my arm. The oath-keeper must have been letting me know I was too close to discussing the fight. Not that I wanted to discuss it with a stranger, but it would be Dominic’s fault if I accidentally did.
The suit nodded. “He asked me to apologize for not following through with your agreement, but he will explain in person.”
I snorted. “If he was so set on breaking his word, why didn’t he come in person?”
“He presumed you’d want to change for your date first.”
I glanced down at my faded black leggings and a no-longer-white tank top with permanent pit stains. Not exactly date material. “Yeah, no, I’m not dressed for a date because I don’t date.”
Crinkles formed around the man’s kind eyes. “He presumed that as well, which is why we’ll start with a trip to a salon.”
I was pretty sure this was the bleach fumes talking. “I’m sorry, what?”
“He’s rented the entire salon out for your private use and has provided a selection of the latest fashions to choose from.”
Nope. Not happening. “I’m afraid you’ll have to disappoint Mr. Sato. I’m not interested. If you’ll excuse me, some of us have real work to?—”