Page 64 of Passing Notes
“Good man. You get it. I have to ask you something. It’s been on my mind since we started sleeping together again.”
“Ask me anything. Get over here.” He pulled me into his arms and wrapped me tight.
“How were you always so, um, good at it?” I looked up, my chin on his chest so I could see his face.
“At what?” he asked, the picture of innocence.
I closed my eyes. “You’re gonna make me say it?”
“Of course.” He smirked. “My ego needs stroking just like any other man’s.”
“Ugh! Fine. Every time we were together, you made me come. Even the first time. How?”
His grin spread slowly across his face. “Ahh, yes. If I recall correctly, you thought you died the first time I got you off. That I’d murdered you with a finger bang.” His eyes were lazy on mine, seductive, sexy as hell, and totally smug. He’d earned the right to be smug, so I didn’t protest.
“Yeah, not gonna lie, I was fairly certain you’d sent me straight up to heaven. It wasn’t until later on that I, uh...”
“Missed me and my special gifts?” He stuck his tongue out, waggling it obscenely. “Realized that I had ruined you for all others with my constant need to eat you out?”
“You were kind of obsessed with it.”
“I was kind of obsessed with you.” He slid a hand between my legs, stroking me softly, intimately. “This pretty pussy of yours was just a sweet bonus.”
I swatted him on the arm with a laugh and threw a leg over his hip to give him better access at the same time. “Come on, be serious. How did you start off knowing where everything was and what to do with it? God, Nick.” I gasped as a shudder shot through me.
I bit my lip as he began to swirl his fingers around my clit in earnest.
“Come for me again, then I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”
“’Kay . . .”
“Remember when I got you off for the first time, just like this? In the front seat of my truck, with that little jean skirt pulled up to your waist, panties pushed to the side, and those perfect tits of yours out, all red and rosy from my mouth. You bit your lip just like you’re doing right now. Do you remember that, baby?”
“Yes, I remember.” I was panting so hard I could barely get the words out. “Don’t stop, please, Nick.”
“You’re so fucking sexy.” This Nick was a little bit arrogant; he knew he was going to make me explode all over his hand and he loved it. It was as maddening as it was hot. “I can feel you getting tight around my fingers. Are you gonna come for me like a good girl, just like you did in my truck all those years ago?”
“Mm-hmm.” My hips writhed against him in time with his pumping fingers. “You’re killing me.”
“You fucking love it, don’t you?” he growled. “You’re my girl again, aren’t you, baby? Mine to take care of. It’s my job to make you feel good, isn’t it?”
“Oh god . . ..”
“Say it. Tell me you’re mine and I’ll let you come.”
“I’m yours.”
He withdrew his hand and swatted it against my ass. I gasped. “That’s not what I wanted to hear.”
“I’m your girl. I’m your girl, Nick. Please...” He drove into me with two fingers while pressing his thumb hard against me.
I let go with a loud, shuddering moan. “What happened to you? You used to be so sweet,” I gasped.
Hot eyes met mine as a wicked grin slid across his mouth. “I just made you come—and pretty spectacularly, I might add. That seems pretty sweet to me.”
“It is,” I conceded. “I’ll admit it—I like this new Nick.”
He laughed in response and tucked me into his side again. “Ask me anything now. I’m feeling pretty fucking relaxed.”