Page 89 of Hunted
“You said you were takin’ off for our date,” our girl points out with a pout.
“And I did, fluffy tits.” The wink he shoots has her rolling her eyes. “I just…couldn’t take off for postdate activities like I originally planned.”
“Why not?” I rush to interrogate.
Not glaring is impossible. “Because what?”
“Let’s leave it at because.”
“What did I say?”
“Fuck, fine. Spoilsport-”
“So. Old,” Bunny teases from behind her glass of water.
“Don’t make me put you over my knee in public, Rabbit,” he sexily scolds prior to presenting me with his attention. “I have to work now because I’m takin’ off all of next Sunday.”
Hearing the announcement immediately gets me shaking my head. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Too bad I already am.”
“What’s next Sunday?” Our lady cautiously questions.
There’s no time to brush it off due to Nolan replying, “His birthday.”
“What?!” She squawks in excitement along with disbelief. “And you weren’t gonna tell me?!”
I stretch my arm around the back of her chair, unconsciously called to shield her from something unknown. “It’s not a big deal, baby.”
“It’s a huge fucking deal, Kid,” Nolan forcefully disagrees at the same time the check is returned in front of Bunny. “And you coming into the world is like the invention of the car. It’s shit worth celebrating.”
Against my own volition heat begins to burn my cheeks.
“Do we already have plans?” Bunny pushes the folder to the side implying the woman can keep whatever cash remains. “Is that why you took off?”
Fuck. Me. Do I love hearing the word we.
And plans.
And knowing she has every intention of sticking around once I get those parts in her car.
“I got us tickets to the Mike & Ike.”
Her forehead crinkles in obvious confusion. “The candy?”
“The Car Show,” I explain while letting my thumb deliver a soft stroke to her arm. “It’s this huge all-day thing they do out in Spike Village. Popped hoods. Prototypes. Demonstrations. Drag races. We’re talkin’ a gearhead’s wet dream.”
“And my bank account’s biggest nightmare,” Nolan impishly points out, “hence why I gotta get back on the clock.”
Our girlfriend directs her question to him. “I take it you only got two tickets?”
Discomfort doesn’t hesitate to dart through his expression during his explanation, “Yeah…but I got ‘em when they first went on sale which was long before you were here. And I-”