Page 41 of Face
I sat in the now-closed Cobalt Room for church. I was in no mood to be around people. Hours had passed and not a peep from Devon. What a cock tease. No, scratch that. What a heart tease.
“We’ve come to a decision. Andy’s club name will be Eagle. He’s our legal eagle and is as sharp and keen as the rare bird.” Viper presented Andy with his cut with Eagle on the patch. Andy—Eagle—beamed with pride as he shrugged it on. “Thanks, man.” He pulled Vane into a man-hug.
“Thanks for taking me in. Y’all are really growing on me. I haven’t felt family like this in a long time. I’m loving the camaraderie and brotherhood you have going on here. I’ve never been a part of something like this. I hope I can serve you all well while I’m here. If any of you run into legal problems, I’m your go-to. Don’t ever hesitate. All right?”
Claps erupted and I joined in as well so as to not be rude. I liked Andy and was glad for him. My mood was just in the toilet. I had the nerve to call the house ladies hens when I was acting like the biggest one in the club right now. I needed to get a grip.
“Next order of business tonight,” Viper started. “I received word from the BSI that the human trafficking site Face and Jemini were monitoring was shut down already by the feds. Not only that, the FBI managed to extract the location of the two kidnapped girls from the human suspects and are on their way to pick up the girls. Apparently, they had already been taken to the Dominican Republic to a buyer who paid thousands for them.”
I shuddered. Disgusting fucking humans.
“Next, Venom, Karissa, and baby Jameson are now home at Karissa’s house, and all are doing well. Once they feel up to it, they’ll bring the baby by for a peek. Until then, please give them some time and space to adjust to their new life.”
A few squeals by the hens could be heard.
“Lastly, we believe the threat is gone to our servers, so you’re good to use your cell phones and tablets freely and turn the location services back on, if you’d like. Any questions?” Vane picked up his bloody wine and took a sip.
When no hands went up, Viper adjourned church.
As I was making my way back to my office, Jemini fell into step with me. “What do we have going on tonight? Anything you need help with?”
“Just working on the new text program,” I muttered.
We went into the office and Jemini stood staring at me with her arms folded. “What’s wrong?”
Deciding she’d just get it out of me anyway, I knew there was no use lying or glossing over what was going on. “Devon’s ghosting me.”
She sat in the chair next to me and said, “What do you mean? She’s just not responding to you?”
“I met up with her earlier tonight to let her know about the BSI situation and how they wanted to talk to her, and we had a… moment.”
She grinned. “What kind of moment?”
“Kissing and shit. I’m not going into detail, but you get what I’m saying… then she tells me the assholes who were running that disgusting site basically threatened her and accused her of getting the site taken down. She of course denied that she was in any danger and there was no way for them to find her, as they didn’t even know her real name or where she lives, but I still didn’t feel right about her being alone. So, after much persuasion, she agreed to come back here to the clubhouse for safety. She said she had to deliver some documents for a job she had, and she’d be right over. Never showed. Phone goes straight to voicemail.”
Jemini’s brow furrowed. “Hmm. Sounds like she’s in trouble. Why don’t you track her phone?”
I turned in my chair and looked at her. “I was going to, but it felt too stalkerish. If she doesn’t want to see me, then whatever. I’m not going to get all in my feelings, but she could at least respond to my text. Ya know?”
She shook her head. “No. I can feel it, Parker. Something’s wrong. I saw the way she looked at you and that moment you two had when I walked in on y’all the other day. There’s mad chemistry between you two. Like, it almost makes me uncomfortable to be alone in a room with you guys, it’s that strong. I don’t think she’s ghosting you. I think something happened to her. What if those guys caught up with her?”
Now, I was becoming alarmed. Jemini’s intuition was always spot on. “Okay, fuck it. Let’s do it. If not for anything but peace of mind for me. If her phone’s still at her apartment, then I’ll know she just doesn’t want anything to do with me.” I pulled up the cell provider’s website, typed in her phone number for the username, and used my password-guessing software to try to log into her account.
“Problem is, even if her phone shows it’s at her apartment, that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s there too. What if they kidnapped her?”
“Ugh, seriously? What is it with this club and all the kidnapping drama?”
She pointed at the screen. “How did you know she used that particular cell provider?”
“I did a search of her phone number and Google told me which cell provider was attached to that number. Easy.”
I had no luck with the password-guessing software so it must be a complicated one. “No luck. Let me try something else.”
I hacked into the police department’s servers and punched her number into their cell tracking software. I only had about ninety seconds before it booted me out, so I bobbed my knee nervously, waiting for it to locate her number.
“Ah. There it is. It’s at 187 Chatares Street,” Jemini said.
I frowned. “That’s her apartment complex.”