Page 44 of Face
“I’m Alec. You’re Devon, correct?”
I nodded. “What’s going on? Where am I?”
“This is my home. I know you’re scared but you needn’t be. I found you behind that strip club. I followed the strong scent of blood and there you were. Another very large man was also there, but he was dead. You, however, were still alive, barely within an inch of your life, as a matter of fact. I put you in my car and brought you back here, where, unfortunately, I had to turn you to save you.”
Oh, my God. The stalker. The stabbing. I lifted my hand to my face and felt long, ropey lines. I replayed what Alec just said. “What do you mean, turn me?”
“Vampire, darling.” He put his hands behind his back and calmly paced. “And I’m so very sorry. The turning process wasn’t quick enough to heal your wounds completely. By the third day, once the transformation was complete, they had already begun to heal and scab over. Even my saliva didn’t help as I thought it would.”
“Vampires, saliva, three days… what?” I put both hands to each side of my head and shook it back and forth. “You’re crazy. I must be dreaming…”
“No, darling, you are not.”
I stared at the man. He seemed polite and harmless, but definitely crazy. I suddenly felt sick. I got up and ran into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet where my vomit was blood red and chunky. Alarmed, I gasped and then grabbed a nearby towel to wipe my mouth. I turned on the faucet and cupped water into my hand to rinse my mouth out. I lifted my head to look in the mirror and screamed. “No!”
Chapter 18
Team Effort
“I don’t know what to do. It was a complete dead end,” I said, pacing the floor of the clubhouse.
Viper, Shadow, Phoenix, and Andy stood around and listened to me rant. The alarm chirped and we turned around to see Venom walking in.
“What’s up, Papa?” Shadow said with a grin.
“How’s fatherhood?” Phoenix asked.
“Exhausting,” he replied. “But amazing.” He looked at me. “What’s going on? I came as soon as I got the text.”
I shook his hand. “I appreciate it, man. But you didn’t have to. I know you have a lot going on.”
“No, I wanted to. You all were there to help me protect Kalissa, and I want to help you find this girl. Your girl.”
I shook my head. “She’s not my girl, but we have to help her.”
“He’s totally in love with her,” Jemini sing-songed as she exited the breakroom and headed toward the walkway that led to Cobalt.
I ignored her and held out Devon’s phone. “I traced her cell to her address, but it was outside the building, along with some vampire blood I assume is hers,” I said, filling Venom in. “But like I just told the guys, it’s a dead end. I have no idea where they would take her. Or if she’s even still alive.”
“Not cool. Who is this girl, anyway? Where did you meet her?” Venom asked.
Viper filled him in briefly.
“You two got a thing, though? The text said, ‘Face’s girl’.” He smirked.
“Look, we were sorta starting to think about pursuing something, I guess you could say. She’s as nerdy as I am, so it was slow moving. I don’t have decades of experience with women like you guys.”
They chuckled.
“It doesn’t matter how much experience you have. Once you find the one, it’s a wrap. You just know,” Viper said.
“Hold on, I just thought of something,” Shadow said. “Didn’t you say Jemini contacted her on a burner phone at first before she gave you her real cell number?”
My eyes widened. “Craig, you big oaf. You’re a genius. She told me she doesn’t keep those very long but there were no phones at all in her apartment when I searched. I bet she still has it on her.”
“I thought you couldn’t trace those prepaid phones,” Viper said.