Page 6 of Face
“Where’s Phoenix?” I asked as we waited for this mysterious stranger to show up.
“He’s… close by.” She winked at me.
“I’m guessing he’s not alone,” I deadpanned.
“You would be correct.”
Movement from my peripheral vision caught my eye and we both turned to see a figure standing at the mouth of the alley. They were slight in build, with dark clothing, including a hoodie over their head.
“Hello?” Jemini called out.
“Just wait,” I whispered.
“Shoot,” Jemini said quietly. “I just remembered. Mack said not to stare or comment on her face.”
I looked at her, puzzled. “What does that mean?”
We watched as the hooded figure began to slowly walk down the alley toward us. Then, in a blink, they were right in front of us.
“Vampires,” the person whispered in a voice too high to be male.
“Correct,” I replied, standing stock-still with my arms folded over my cut.
Jemini asked, “Are you the one Mack referred to us?”
She nodded, but I still couldn’t see her face. “Yes. You’re Face and Jemini?”
“Yes,” we answered in unison.
“What’s the password?” the stranger asked.
“What’s with the Cloak and Dagger bullshit?” I snapped back.
“Password.” She put her hands in her hoodie pockets and looked both ways down the alley.
Paranoid, much?
“Keylogger,” Jemini replied.
I looked down at my partner in question, then back to the stranger.
“I’m Rocky,” she said. “What’s the issue you needed help with?”
Glancing around, I said, “Malware. Are we doing this here?”
Rocky lifted a shoulder and let it fall. “We need WiFi. So, you’ll have to bring me back to your office or wherever you have your computers so I can check out the problem.”
I pulled the laptop I’d brought out of the bag and opened it up. “I’m not comfortable with that, so I guess we do it here, unless you’d like to go to a café or something. I have an external hotspot I can use for service.”
I was frustrated that I couldn’t see this person’s face. Her hood was still up, and I could see eyes the color of fresh grass staring up at me, but nothing else. It made her seem untrustworthy and sketchy. Though—hadn’t Jemini warned me she wasn’t exactly on the up and up?
“I don’t do bright places,” Rocky replied. “But if you want to meet at Zombies, they have good WiFi there.”
“That’s fine,” I said. “Meet you there.”
Rocky blitzed down the alley in the blink of an eye, and once she was out of sight, I told Jemini I’d meet her there, knowing Phoenix would give her a ride.
The owner of Zombies, Theo, shook my hand and provided us with a private back room to conduct our business. He seemed to be familiar with Rocky.