Page 68 of Face
She glanced at her husband. “I knew he was a vampire right before he left me and the children. I was a witch, well, I still am. I’m now both. I was trying to figure out a way to let him know that I knew, but then he was just gone one night. I started to give up looking for him after a few years, but I had to leave my options open. I requested to be turned by a local vampire so I could have more time to find him.”
“I say you made the right choice,” Parker said.
“I, of course, think she should have just lived a long, happy life and hope we met in the next, but I can’t say I’m disappointed.” Gregory lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.
“We’ll be out of your hair now,” she said and placed a cool hand on my bare forearm. “Thank you again, Devon. If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Sue Ann closed her bakery in Minneapolis. We’re opening an all-night diner on the outskirts here. There will be pies galore.”
“We’ll send all our human friends your way,” I replied.
They each hugged me and left.
We watched as Gabriel and Jemini entered the dancefloor, her long white gown dragging behind her. Bloome quickly bustled up the train and pinned it to the back before two began to dance, where a band played a cover of “Love Exists” by Amy Lee. I watched as Jemini stared up into Gabriel’s eyes and the way he gazed at her as if she was the only woman on earth.
Parker stroked my bare shoulder with his fingers while his arm was draped around me. I looked around the Cobalt Room and couldn’t imagine a place filled with more love than this one at this very moment.
Jemini and Jermaine’s parents danced on the dance floor, staring at each other like newlyweds. I’d been told her mother recently got a second chance at life.
Harlan and Kalissa were dancing in place, Venom holding the baby on his shoulder as he held his wife’s hand and stared down at her.
Craig and Bloome stood facing each other, holding a drink in one hand, their other hands linked before Shadow reached up and stroked her cheek, then bent down and kissed her.
Vane and MyAnna danced in place, Viper’s hand on the small of her back as he whispered something in her ear that made her giggle.
Eagle and his human girlfriend Amber sat at a table holding hands, Andy’s fingers playing with the enormous diamond ring on her left hand.
Kovah grabbed Manta’s hand and led her to the dance floor, where he stared down into her eyes, saying something to her that caused a big smile to break out on her pretty face before she threw her head back and laughed.
I smiled when Fox and Ally joined everyone on the dance floor and then kissed as he pulled her close. Took them long enough to admit they wanted to be together.
Grabbing Parker’s drink, I set it down along with mine and led him to the dance floor, where we congratulated the bride and groom again and then danced as Parker held me tight.
“Hey, I have a question,” he said.
“What’s that?” I asked, gazing up at him.
“Why did you change the background of my monitors to a beach, a space constellation, Paris at night, and a field of flowers?”
I lifted a shoulder. “I wanted to give you something pretty to look at.”
His face went serious, his hands leaving my waist to gently grip my face as he stared into my eyes. “I already have that, Devon. From the time I wake up each evening to the time I fall asleep in the morning.”
I bit my lip as tears stung my eyes. His arms found my waist again, and we swung slowly together, my cheek against his chest. As the singer crooned about love making no sense and having no name, and how it can bring you to tears and then set your heart on fire, I knew there were no truer words. Love was the ultimate contradictory emotion, and it had taken me through all of them. It could shatter your heart and was the only thing that could mend it. It was a painful lesson and the most rewarding one.
I looked up at Parker. “I love you, handsome.”
He bent down to deliver me a sensual, head-spinning kiss and then whispered, “I love you more, beautiful.”