Page 13 of Psycho
“Well, I could have Wizard film you and we could broadcast it to their phones if you’re… shy.”
She narrowed her eyes. “No filming me.”
“That’s what I thought,” I replied. “Did you sleep well?”
Nera shrugged. “Eh, it wasn’t bad.” She looked down and seemed to be picking at her fingernails. “So if I give my story to the church, then I can go? You’ll get me a ticket out of here?”
“I’d prefer if you stayed for your own safety until we catch these fuckers, but if that’s what you want, yes.”
She stared at me with her purple-blue eyes, not breaking eye contact, and I could appreciate that she wasn’t a weak, broken woman. Though after being abducted, I wouldn’t blame her if she was.
“I do prefer.”
“Listen, today when you tell us your story, don’t feel like you have to go into graphic detail if some experiences are too… personal or traumatic. Okay?” I hoped she was picking up what I was putting down.
She nodded once, her brow furrowed. “I appreciate that.”
I wanted to grimace at her response, at the look on her face that told me everything I needed to know, but I refrained.
“Nera, go get yourself something to eat and I’ll meet you at Rumble later. I have some work to do.”
She nodded, stood, and left the office without another word, closing the door behind her with a quiet click.
I’d obviously hit a nerve with my questions, but I was just glad it was out there. Something about the hurt hiding behind the defiance in her eyes made me angry. I would never understand why assholes felt they could exploit and take advantage of people weaker than they were. I was no saint, and my actions in the past had earned me my nickname, but nobody who was ever harmed or killed by my hand didn’t deserve it. Legal or illegally, I handled my business, and this shit with Nera and whoever else they had, these bastards were going to feel the full weight of the Bayou Wolves bearing down on their heads very soon.
Chapter 6
The Devil You Know
I struggled not to squirm under the scrutiny of a couple dozen sets of eyes on me. This was the last thing I wanted—attention. But if I wanted out of here, I had to endure this. If I wanted these guys to go after the bastards, then I’d suck it up. Then I could leave and go back to Tampa and pretend none of this ever happened.
Psycho had escorted me on the short walk to the bar from the clubhouse. The compound in general was impressive. They had done a good job of making this place a secure fortress for their club and the people inside. When I got inside the bar they called Rumble, I had to admit, it was nothing like the dirty, rowdy, biker bar I had been envisioning. Sure, it still had all the makings of a bar—jukebox, scattered tables with chairs, a bar with liquor bottles displayed behind it taking up an entire wall, and a large stage with a wooden dance floor in front of it.
I just need to get out of here…
“Start from the beginning, please, and don’t leave out any details, no matter how insignificant you might think they are,” Wizard said, his tablet in his hand, the bar’s lights reflecting on his glasses so much I couldn’t see his eyes.
I looked at Psycho and he nodded at me.
I wished I didn’t have to stand on this stage in front of this podium like I was about to give a speech. But, I wasn’t getting out of this. At least they’d kept the spotlights off me.
“About seven weeks ago, I was at a nightclub in Biloxi, partying with my friend Amanda. We grew up together in Tampa but she is stationed in Biloxi with the Navy. She just got a promotion. I took time off work to fly to Mississippi to be with her.”
“Name of the nightclub?” Psycho asked.
“Uh… the Shark Bait. I think. I remember thinking the name was stupid.”
“That is stupid.” Psycho snorted.
“So, uh, I’d been dancing with this guy all night, we sorta hit it off. He wanted to go out back for a smoke and asked if I’d go with. So I did. Everything seemed normal, but the next thing I remember I woke up in a room of some house chained to a bed.
“The room had a boarded-up window, a closet, and an adjacent bathroom. My chain was long enough to allow me to use it. I couldn’t break the chain and they came in every night to hold me down and put a needle in my neck to keep me drugged so I couldn’t use my…” I stopped. Did I tell them I was a witch?
“Powers?” Trigger guessed.
I nodded, and heard a few murmurs from the crowd, but no real hostility I could detect. “They did this for three nights. They never said anything. Just brought me food and held me down and jammed a needle in my neck. They were too strong for me to fight.”