Page 48 of Psycho
The account was unavailable when I went to respond, like they had suddenly deleted it.
Just then, Cutter walked over with a sandwich and a salad.
“Psycho loves my meatloaf sandwiches, so I hope you do too,” he said.
My stomach was so upset with what just happened, all I could do was force a smile.
“I’m sure I’ll love it,” I said.
“I make that ranch from scratch, so I hope you like it. If you think it needs any improvements, let me know. I’m always in search of the perfect ranch dressing recipe.” Cutter grinned at me, and it was so sweet, I wanted to hug him. I already felt a kindred with him, being a fellow witch.
I glanced at the tray. It did look good, but I felt too sick for Poppy and the rest of the girls to say anything.
Should I tell him the bastards contacted me? If not him, I needed to let Shep know. What if all four girls we’d left behind needed rescued? Five people including me? We could fit in the Audi.
“Let me know if you want something else,” Cutter said.
I shook my head. “Oh, no. I love meatloaf sandwiches. My mouth is watering!”
He grinned. “Perfect. Back to the kitchen I go!”
He left and I bit into the sandwich. I hadn’t ever had one before so that was sort of a lie, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, and I just needed him to leave. I felt sick for Poppy and the girls and couldn’t eat, but I grabbed the book and sandwich, headed to my room, and collected my wallet, keys, and phone, and shoved them the pockets of my yoga pants and hoodie.
I didn’t want to get Shep and the wolves involved. I’d go pick up Poppy from that black creeper van I’d recognize anywhere, then I’d let them do the rest with law enforcement and all that.
Was it stupid? I wasn’t sure. I hopped in the Audi, started it, and drove off the compound, hoping I was making the right decision. The bastards for sure would be suspicious of a big Humvee or a bunch of rumbling Harleys.
No, I had to do this alone.
Chapter 18
History Repeating
I parked in the back of the lot and watched. The mall wasn’t very busy, and I knew they closed in just a couple of hours. Still, Dillard’s was slightly busier than the rest of the mall, so I just sat and observed.
What was my game plan here? Just walk up to the bastards and let them take me?
I had my witch powers. I knew how to give a vampire a brain sting—when I wasn’t drugged up, that was. I remembered thinking when the bastards had me, I wish I could scramble this vampire’s brains while he was violating me, kick him off me…
I redirected my thoughts, not wanting to think about that.
The black van I recognized pulled up to the Dillard’s parking lot and my heart sped up and my stomach turned over. It had to be them. I had the wherewithal to snap a picture of their license plate, knowing when I reported to Psycho and Wizard what I’d done, I’d be yelled at and cursed out, but I’d at least have something to offer them to soften the blow. And Poppy could go home.
They were Mississippi plates, so it made me wonder if they were locals. Snatching girls out of clubs to be sold to someone who probably wasn’t local at all.
What was wrong with these assholes?
They parked the black van and I watched as two of them got out. They looked around, paranoid of course, and stood outside the vehicle.
Guessed I needed a distraction.
I tried to think of what I could do. I wished I had one of those grenades I’d seen on Menace’s belt. Those would come in mighty handy.
The advantage I had was that they didn’t know I was a witch.
One of them looked around, opened the back door to the van, and pulled Poppy out. My breath caught at the sight of her. Even thinner, if that were possible, her red curls dull, dirty, and lifeless. Just like the look in her eyes.