Page 54 of Psycho
“I wasn’t scared,” he replied, narrowing his eyes.
She ignored him and looked at me. “Now, what do you have of hers that we can use for the spell?”
Cutter pulled her hairbrush and toothbrush from a small bag from his back pocket.
She took it and told us to follow her to the back room.
There was a large topographical map on a wooden table. She plucked hair from the brush and set it in the middle of the map, then opened a large book that looked like it weighed more than my Harley, and plopped it open.
My stomach turned over with nerves. Would she be able to locate Nera? I couldn’t imagine what she was going through. If they kept her drugged, she’d be powerless to stop the assaults or use magic to escape. The thought of her being held captive by those filthy vamps made my blood boil. If any of them so much as looked at her the wrong way, that would be the end of all of them. I would tear any man or thing to pieces who touched her.
Agatha began chanting in what I assume was Latin, when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I didn’t want to be disrespectful but I had to keep on top of all messages. I quietly slipped out into the front of the shop and checked the text.
Wizard: Just checking in. No traffic cams on side streets to check, which isn’t a surprise. Hacked into the database, the van was reported stolen 5 yrs ago. Plate must have dropped off the APB.
Fuckers, they probably hypnotized a cop to get it taken off was more like it.
“Got it!” I heard Agatha say.
I walked in and saw her long fingernail pointing at the map. We all leaned in closer and saw she was pointing to the town of Gentilly, not far from here.
I furrowed my brow. “Can you be more specific?”
She shook her head. “No, but it’s not a big town. I have faith you’ll sniff her out.” She pointed to her nose.
“Funny,” I replied. That loosely worked in human form and we weren’t transforming for another couple of weeks. That being said, I did have her scent memorized.
I took five one-hundred dollar bills and plunked them on the map.
“I wasn’t going to charge you,” she replied, folding the bills and shoving them into the pocket of her flowered dress. “I like Nera. She’s been through a lot. But thank you.”
I pointed at Cutter. “If you would be so kind to help out Ryan here. He needs some witchy lessons.”
Cutter’s face turned red to the roots of his hair and I bit back a smile.
“It’s not his fault,” I added. “He wasn’t raised by witches, but he could use the help. For stuff like this.” I pointed at the map.
“Yeah, I’ll give him a crash course. The shop’s quiet. Does now work?”
“Yeah, that’ll work,” Cutter replied.
“I’ll leave you to it. Text when you’re done and I’ll let you know where to meet us,” I said, leaving the shop with Trigger in tow.
Chapter 20
Fool Me Twice
Unlike before, the bastards had us in some kind of warehouse. Except this time, they put us in very large animal cages. This was going to turn into a fucking mess soon, with no access to a bathroom. At least the house we stayed in before had a single toilet and sink we could use when we’d be trapped in that room for weeks on end.
I had tried to fight them putting me in here. I tried the brain sting but my mind was too clouded from the drugs. I could think somewhat clearly inside my head, but to make things happen with Latin and such, it just didn’t work. A part of me just wished they’d sell me off to whoever they were holding me for so I could attempt to escape, but something told me I’d be the last to leave. Judging by the way the head vamp was lasciviously looking at me, I knew my time was fleeting. I was grateful that there didn’t seem to be bedrooms here, just a single office I could see. That would mean the vamps would have to sleep on the floor in here during the day, or leave us alone. I prayed for the latter. Surely they wouldn’t just fuck us out in the open for everyone to watch?
I shuddered again.
For now, the vamps were congregated in the office, talking. I could tell they were stressed. The cops were now onto them, and that was all because of me and Poppy. I hoped Shep and his men had figured out what happened to me and were looking for me, because being locked in this cage, I had no hope but to be rescued.
I sighed, hoping I didn’t die in here. Maybe once they came to inject me again, I could try the brain sting. I might be strong enough by then. I thought back to that spell to block your mind from the effects of drugs. I wasn’t sure if it was like, the marijuana kind, or the pharmaceutical kind. The book seemed old, so I got the feeling they meant the kind of mind-altering substances that grew from the ground.