Page 57 of Psycho
Chapter 21
Dance With The Devil
I slammed right into a hard wall of a chest and was knocked back onto my ass. I looked up in horror to see the main bastard’s face sneering down at me.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Get back in your cage.” He yanked me up by my arm, and seeing the large warehouse door was up, I let out a bloodcurdling scream, hoping there was someone—anyone around who would hear it.
He backhanded me, causing my nose to bleed. “Shut up!”
“Asshole!” I kicked at him but his grip was like a vise and he just squeezed harder. His eyes went black as he zeroed in on my bloody nose. “Why don’t you have a little taste huh? See what happens?”
“Shut the fuck up, witch.”
I smirked, blood dribbling down over my lips.
Seeing my cage door was off, he looked at the vamp who’d been left to babysit us. “What did you do?”
“That one has a mouth on her, Deon,” he defended, narrowing blue eyes at me. “I was going to teach her a lesson.” A piece of greasy black hair fell into his face and he raked his fingers through it.
Deon had hold of my arm and told the other vamp, “Fix the damn cage.”
He marched me into the warehouse office and plunked me in a chair. “Stay there.” He went to walk out, and I was so angry that I just said the first thing that came to my mind.
“What if I don’t? You going to rape me again?”
He whipped his head back and narrowed his cruel green eyes at me. “What did you say?”
Now he looked angry—and frightening—but I just couldn’t care anymore. I lifted my chin. “You heard me.”
“I could do so much worse to you,” he whispered, low and threatening.
“Are you even supposed to be touching the merchandise?” I asked, gesturing toward the other cages on the warehouse floor.
“You don’t get to ask questions. You aren’t running anything here but your mouth.” He found a roll of paper towels and threw it at me. “Clean up that blood.”
He walked out and I wore a satisfied smug that I’d pissed him off. I hoped using the R word would keep him away from me, but I doubted it. I’d probably emasculated him.
I tore off a paper towel and wiped the blood away. They’d left me alone in this office so I looked out into the warehouse where the bastards were talking in a circle, away from the cages. I wandered to the back of the office, and like I suspected, there was a small bathroom. I locked myself in there and quickly used the toilet while I had a chance, then rummaged around under the sink to see if there was anything I could use as a weapon or any supplies I could smuggle out. It was mostly cleaning supplies, but I did think some bleach to the eyes would definitely incapacitate a vampire longer than the sleeping powder or a brain sting would. It was in a yellow squirt bottle—not exactly easy to smuggle out. And I’d have to hit all four of them with it.
I left the bathroom, grabbed a roll of toilet paper and the paper towels, and set them on the desk, then I rummaged through it. A stashed a few stabby-looking pens and a decorative rock I found into my bra in case I needed to hit one of them with it. Not that it would do much damage, but still. I hated feeling defenseless.
I felt my brain clearing from the drugs and recited the incantation again for good measure. “Angustos substansia.”
Then, I had an idea. I quickly removed both my socks and went into the bathroom. I found the bleach and doused the socks to where they weren’t soaking, but they were damp and saturated. I shoved one in each pocket of my jeans and replaced the bleach bottle and washed my hands.
I saw Deon headed back my way so I sat on the chair and held the paper towel to my face.
“Get up,” he said, and I obeyed. “What’s that smell?”
“Your upper lip,” I sassed.
He pushed me toward the door and I went back into the warehouse where he ordered me back into my cage. Someone had put the door back on.
“You need to feed us. We haven’t eaten since yesterday. And we need water and bathroom too,” I said, looking at him in the eye.
He looked at the other vamps. “Go find some damn food and water.”