Page 19 of That One Touch
He let go of her and she felt the cool outside air wrap around her body, replacing the heat of his touch that she’d already started getting used to. He ran the same hand through his hair, pushing it off of his face.
“I’m sorry. For walking out. You were good. Really good.”
It was stupid how much his opinion warmed her.
“And for being an ass when you arrived. It’s getting to be a habit.”
She looked up at him. His face was partially lit by the lamp that hung outside the bar door. She could see the blue of his eyes as they assessed her.
“I didn’t know,” she told him. “About the song.”
The merest hint of a wince pulled at his brow before he smoothed it away. “My brother told you about that?”
“Him or Alex. I can’t remember which.”
“It was Marley.” He sounded certain. “And it doesn’t matter. It was an excellent song. Suited your voice.”
“Thank you.” She didn’t know what else to say. Was this the most they’d spoken without one of them raising their voices or pissing the other one off? She thought it was, but she’d analyze it later. When she was home and her mind was clear and not all messed up by the emotional high of the audition and the nearness of this man.
“So are you coming back?” he asked.
A smile ghosted his lips. She wondered what it would be like if he let it grow.
“I meant to rehearsals,” he said. “Or did we scare you off?”
“The others said they’d be in touch.” She lifted a brow. “I’m assuming they want to talk to you first. Plus, you must have other auditions.”
“We don’t. You’re the only one we’ve seen who can hold a note and play the keyboard at the same time.” He tipped his head to the side. “So is it a yes?”
“I don’t know…” she said honestly, trailing off because his gaze was so intense. Everything about him was. Maybe that’s why he was so attractive. There was this energy about him that was impossible to ignore.
Sometimes it was light. Sometimes it was dark. But it was always there.
Always pulsing around her.
He dipped his head, as though trying to catch her eye. “Look, if I made you feel uncomfortable in there…”
“You didn’t.” It was only half a lie. “I just wonder if it’s a good idea. I seem to annoy you whenever we come into contact.”
“Annoy me?” he repeated. “You think that?”
“Don’t I?”
She waited for him to expand but he didn’t. Instead, he opened the door and turned his head to shout. “You want Cassie to come to rehearsal tomorrow night?”
“Yeah we do,” Marley shouted back.
“Hell yeah,” Alex agreed.
He pulled the door closed and looked at her, his expression unreadable this time. “If you want to be part of the band, you’re in.”