Page 69 of That One Touch
“You said I was being weird because I was carrying your bag. Do you not want me to do that?”
She lifted her head, their gazes connecting. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“But you meant it, so I’m wondering what the non-weird thing to do is.”
“To treat me like you treat anybody else, I guess. But I do like the little gestures. Most girls do, I think. It’s nice that you have this kind of protective thing about you.”
“I have a protective thing?”
“I think so.” She nodded, looking thoughtful. “How have you been with other women after…”
“After sex?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” he said, honestly. “You’re the first woman I’ve slept with since…” Since Jade died. He still couldn’t bring himself to say it.
From the shock in her eyes, Cassie understood it anyway.
“But it’s been what… three years?”
“Yeah,” he replied gruffly.
“And you haven’t had sex with anybody at all?”
“I’ve had a lot of sex with myself.”
Her mouth twitched. “I’d like to see that sometime.” Her cheeks flushed, like she was imagining it.
“I’d like to see you touch yourself, too,” he told her. “But maybe we should shower first. I’m still sweaty from the gig, and then from you.”
She grinned at him. “That sounds good to me.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“He hasn’t had sex in three years?” Gemma gaped at her. “Seriously?”
“That’s what he said.” They were sitting in the diner drinking coffee. Gemma’s kids were with Riley’s mom, so they’d decided to come in for a late breakfast, although since it was almost twelve it was probably more like an early lunch.
Cassie had pretty much devoured her stack of blueberry pancakes, thanks to last night’s exertions.
Presley had left early in the morning. He’d had to pick Delilah up and take her to church. She got the impression he really didn’t want to go, but he’d promised Delilah and if there was one thing this man did, it was keep his promises. Especially those made to his daughter.
He’d asked her if she wanted to go to, but she’d shaken her head.
“I think I’d spontaneously combust if I walk into church after the things you did to me last night,” she’d murmured.
“In that case, I’ll be a pile of ashes on the fucking steps.” He’d kissed her softly. “If you change your mind let me know.”
She hadn’t though. After last night’s gig and then Presley coming back to her house, she’d felt like she needed some space to think. Because yes, she loved being with him, and she loved having sex with him, too.
“The man must have the bluest balls this side of a pool table,” Gemma muttered, pulling Cassie out of her thoughts. “Or at least he did. Until you did a public service and emptied them for him.”
“Eww.” Cassie screwed her nose up. “You make it sound so romantic.”