Page 15 of Daddy's Lesson
“Good.” He headed toward the register, and once again paid while I hung back, trying not to think about how much money he was spending on me. I reminded myself that he had it, and that he wanted to spoil me, but it didn’t help, and as we left the store, and headed toward another, I couldn’t help myself.
“Lennon,” I started, intent on thanking him, and at the same time stopping him from doing more. But his name died on my lips as he gripped my elbow sharply and turned, marching us in the direction of the novelty shop.
Oh shit.
I’d been patient, given far more warnings than I normally would have, and tried to avoid what I’d known deep down was inevitable, but with a woman like Zoe you couldn’t give an inch. You had to take charge, and you couldn’t waver. Threats needed to be made and swiftly followed through on. If she saw an opening to gain the upper hand, she’d take it. Not out of spite or any nefarious purpose, but out of habit.
She dug her heels in when she realized where we were headed. “Lennon, no,” she begged. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you? Because you called me by my name again.”
“Crap.” Her hand clapped over her mouth, and she looked about thirty years younger with the guilty, chagrined expression that passed across her features. “I’ll do better, I promise.”
Pulling her close to me, I whispered in her ear. “I know you will, because the plug in your bottom will help you remember.”
Her cheeks flushed and her gaze dropped. I could see her eyes shining with unshed tears, and for a moment I faltered. But no, she was okay, just embarrassed, and acclimating to not being in charge. If it was anything other than that, she had a safeword.
I waited patiently for her to accept her fate and was rewarded with a whispered, “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Come on.” I turned us toward the store again, but she was frozen in place.
“Can I just… wait here?”
“Oh no, my naughty little one. Picking it out and being embarrassed, thinking about Daddy pulling you into the restroom and parting your cheeks, shoving it inside you… that’s all part of the punishment.”
She uttered a high-pitched squeak, but allowed me to pull her into the store, past the beaded curtain that separated the novelty items from the adult section of the store, and over to the wall of cheap sex toys. It wasn’t where I typically purchased my stuff from, but it would do in a pinch.
The selection was limited, but I quickly found what I was looking for: a small but heavy metal plug with a jeweled base. I picked it off the shelf, enjoying the flush that rose on Zoe’s cheeks and the look of surprised arousal that she couldn’t mask. Adding a tube of lube, I made my way to the register with her dragging behind. I’d planned to make a bigger deal of the selection, mull over the options out loud, maybe even ask her opinion and watch her squirm a bit, but I could see how out of her element she was. Simply requiring her presence had been punishment enough.
When my purchases were made, I handed her the bag and took her hand again, leading her to the center of the mall, near the food court where the family bathroom was located.
As soon as the door closed behind us, I flipped the lock, set the bags down on the small bench, and took the one containing the plug and lube from her hand.
She whimpered. “I’m sorry.”
“I warned you several times, and I let quite a few things slide. But you are not in charge here, and you need to remember that, and be conscious of it at all times. Hopefully, this will help you keep that in mind for the rest of the afternoon. I’d hate to have to spank you again once we got back to my place.”
I saw the hope fade from her eyes as resignation set in. She accepted her fate.
I made a show of using my pocketknife to cut open the plastic packaging, then inspecting the metal plug before throwing the packaging away in the garbage can. Holding the base between my fingers, I looked at her. “Turn around, pull up your skirt, lower your panties, and bend over, with your hands braced against the wall.”
My commands were met with a soft whimper, and instant obedience. Good. She was learning.
“There are so many germs in here,” she muttered under her breath as she braced herself against the wall and let her panties fall down her legs.
I saw the complaint for what it was: a stall tactic. The bathroom was immaculate, smelled like lemon Pine-Sol, and actually sparkled. “That’s what hand sanitizer is for,” I replied glibly as I popped open the jar of lube I’d purchased, squeezed a quarter-sized dollop onto the head of the plug, and slathered it liberally across the surface.
Holding it by the slender base, I reached down to pull her cheeks apart, exposing her puckered hole. Her whimpers grew louder.
“This is so humiliating,” she whispered.
“That’s what will make it a good lesson.”