Page 19 of Daddy's Lesson
“After lunch you can finish the packet you were so diligently working on, and then we’ll discuss your answers and decide what our next steps will be.”
“You left this one blank.” I pointed to a question on the second to last page of the questionnaire, and Zoe leaned over to peer at it.
“Cohabitation,” she read. “Oh yeah, I didn’t know what it meant.”
“You don’t know what cohabitation means? I find that hard to believe.”
She looked at me like I was stupid. “Of course I know what it means. I’m just surprised to see it on there. Honestly, there are a lot of things I’m surprised to see on there. The flier I read called this ‘a safe and platonic way to get accountability, companionship, and regular discipline.’”
She was quoting a flier I’d made, so of course I was familiar with the jargon. I shrugged. “And for some people it is, but others want more. And it’s up to both parties, of course, but we’re all consenting adults, so sometimes things happen, and sometimes people feel like they need a little bit of extra attention.”
“Well, I’m fine. I definitely don’t need that.”
She checked off ‘no’ on the questionnaire, and moved on. I felt a stab of disappointment, but I wasn’t surprised. The only thing I was surprised about was the fact that Zoe had given in so much already. I’d expected it to be a lot harder.
“That’s fine,” I assured her. “But just so we are clear, I will be requiring more of your time than an hour once a week.”
Her mouth fell open and I could tell I’d surprised her, but after just a moment, she nodded. “I’m sure we can come to an agreement that falls somewhere between an hour once a week and moving in together.”
“I’m sure we can.”
She went back to working on the questionnaire, and I leaned back on my couch and turned on the TV with the volume down low, determined to be around if she had questions without smothering her, and to give her privacy to answer.
Twenty minutes later, I had the amended packet in my hands. My plan had been to read it later, once I was alone, but now that I had it in my hot little hands the curiosity was too great.
I skimmed the first page, which mostly told me what I already knew. The second page was the one I was most interested in. Limits.
There were major changes between her first questionnaire and her second. She was open to a lot more, both in the realm of the BDSM spectrum, and sexually.
Glancing up, I saw her watching me. Lowering the papers, I met her gaze. “How many of these things have you done before?”
I figured it wouldn’t be many, but I wasn’t expecting the answer she gave.
Her cheeks were purple as she looked down at the floor and then back up at me. “Aside from the regular sex ones…? That would be none.”
“None?” It was a good thing I didn’t have a drink anywhere near me. If I’d taken a sip, I would have choked, and if I was holding it, I would have spilled. “None?”
“Is that… bad?” She looked ashamed, like her inexperience was something she needed to apologize for, and I instantly felt guilty for my reaction.
“No, no! It’s not bad at all. In fact, it’s quite good. Do you know what this means?”
“That I’ve lived a very vanilla life?”
“Well, that, too,” I teased with a grin, hoping to break the tension. “It means,” I said, taking both her hands in mine, “that the scales are more balanced. It means that the student becomes the teacher.”
“You… want to teach me?” She frowned, and for the first time I noticed the creases around her mouth that she was so self-conscious about, but in my mind, they only added to her beauty.
“I would love to teach you about my world. If you’ll let me.”
She nodded slowly, the unease mixed with nervous anticipation evident on her face. “If you’re sure.”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”