Page 48 of The Demon's Spell
I shook my head. “We haven’t had a chance.”
Grant conjured a copy of the Miriamic Messenger. It was already folded to the article he was looking for. He handed it to me.
Talia chewed her lower lip. “Professor Wykoff wrote a letter to the editor. We’re worried about her.”
I scanned the article. It was a protest against the Burning and a call to have the Imperium Council audited by an impartial party. Professor Wykoff was kind with her words, but her message was loud and clear. She opposed the priestesses.
Lucas read over my shoulder. “How’d this even get printed? The Miriamic Messenger has been printing nothing but propaganda for a month.”
“That’s why we’re worried,” Talia said. “It must serve their purpose somehow. They’ll paint her to be crazy, or invalidate her in some way to devalue everything she’s said. They must intend to use this to increase support of their own message. The Coven’s Shield has to do something to protect her.”
“We will—” Lucas started to say, but a scream tore down the hall, cutting him off.
“You’re hurting me!” a woman cried.
Fuck. We were already too late.
My friends and I took off down the hall, our cats following. A crowd had formed in the Main Foyer, and I could barely see what was going on. Chloe and Miles stood at the back of the crowd, and I stopped beside them.
My stomach dropped when I saw Sheriff Baker dragging Professor Wykoff toward the main doors. It was all too reminiscent of the time he’d hauled Professor Daniels off campus. She had been hanged later that night. I hoped to the Goddess Professor Wykoff wouldn’t suffer the same fate.
A group of Executors stood nearby, cheering Sheriff Baker on.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Sheriff Baker threatened.
“I’m trying—” Professor Wykoff started, but she cut off when she tripped on her skirt and went sprawling forward. Onlookers all around the room gasped.
“We have to stop this,” I insisted, trying to push through the crowd.
Talia grabbed my arm to stop me. “What are you going to do, Nadine? We can stand in front of the doors and protest, but the Executors will stop us.”
Chloe heard us and whirled in our direction. “We have to protest. And we have to be loud about it. Nadine, stall for us. I have an idea.”
Miles hesitated. “I’m going with her,” he decided. He abandoned the Main Foyer and followed Chloe. Their cats raced after them.
I shoved my way through the crowd, until I reached the front. Sheriff Baker had yanked Professor Wykoff to her feet, and he slapped a pair of handcuffs onto her wrists.
“I said I’d go peacefully!” she cried. “Why are you—ow!”
“I demand you stop this at once!” I shouted.
One of the Executors stepped in front of me. Avery crossed her arms and glared at me. “Take one more step, and you’ll be arrested next.”
Bitch, I’m not afraid of you!
“The priestesses hired you, and as a high priestess of the Miriamic Coven, you work for me,” I snapped. “I suggest you get out of the way, before you lose your job.”
I pushed past her before she could respond.
Sheriff Baker had stopped, and he looked less than amused. “Not you again.”
I kept my head held high. “What exactly is going on here?”
“This woman no longer works here, yet she refuses to remove herself from the premises,” Sheriff Baker said through clenched teeth. He knew he was required to answer me, though he wouldn’t do so happily.
“I was only packing my things—” Professor Wykoff started, but she cried out when Sheriff Baker yanked on her handcuffs.
A few students began whispering, and I turned to see Headmistress Verla and Professor Warren pushing their way through the crowd.